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ISTC-UIUC Waste Characterization Study & Opportunity Assessment

Project Description

In 2014, F&S and ISTC began collaborating on a two-phase waste characterization study and waste reduction opportunity assessment. Through the waste sampling of eight campus buildings and surveying of building occupants, ISTC assessed the buildings’ waste stream and occupant knowledge and satisfaction with current practices.

Nearly a decade later, F&S and ISTC aim to again characterize a sample size of waste on campus, engage stakeholders via focus groups, and propose opportunities for waste reduction and/or diversion. A key deliverable of this study is the forward-facing report, intended to serve not only as a guideline for F&S strategic implementation but also as a public resource detailing the current waste management processes and initiatives at the U of I.

New to this study, ISTC will integrate an “activity zone” approach: classifying a building according to its primary purpose. Two representative buildings were identified for each of the four activity zones (academic, academic + laboratory, multi-activity, and student living), for a total of eight buildings. Results from and recommendations for each activity zone can be extrapolated and applied to other buildings that exist within the same zone.

From the waste characterization and stakeholder engagement results, F&S strives to:
•    Compare 2023 results to 2014 results to understand how campus waste has evolved over time.
•    Strengthen its relationships with campus buildings in the realm of waste management.
•    Gauge stakeholders’ (students, faculty, and staff) suggestions for ways to improve recyclable collection and waste reduction strategies.
•    Integrate ISTC recommendations for high-impact waste reduction strategies into F&S operations

Waste collections will take place at the following facilities listed below. Special permissions are not required.

  1. Academic Facilities
    • Business Instructional Facility
    • Campus Instructional Facility
  2. Academic + Laboratory Facilities
    • Roger Adams Laboratory
    • Noyes Laboratory
  3. Multi-use Facilities
    • Illini Union
    • Activities and Recreation Center
  4. Student Living Facilities
    • Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall
    • Allen Residence Hall

The waste characterization process will take place at the Waste Transfer Facility

No description has been provided yet.

Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2023 Allocated $18,979.00 6/14/2024 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2023
Semester: Spring
Status: Active
Student Led? No
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Daphne Hulse (

Financial Advisor:

Mike Alsip (

Team Members:

  • Pete Varney
  • Shawn Patterson
  • Dan Hiser
  • Joy Scrogum
  • Savannah Feher
  • Zach Samaras

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee