Dear iCAP Working Group Members,
As a reminder, we will be meeting this Thursday at 1:30 (and also next Thursday, 4/9, at 1:30).
Dear iCAP Working Group Members,
As a reminder, we will be meeting this Thursday at 1:30 (and also next Thursday, 4/9, at 1:30).
Final Waste Stream Characterization Study of Swanlund Administration Building, Henry Administration Building, the Illini Union Bookstore, and the Alice Campbell Alumni Center.
F&S has requested a proposal from the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) to get waste stream audits for select buildings across campus. The program will repeat the efforts completed by ISTC at their building, on a larger scale. This project could eventually extend to cover all campus facilities, or it could be done at select locations on a recurring basis to measure progress.
No description has been provided yet.
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Project details last updated on: 2/27/2020. Check Project Updates for recent activity.