The prior annual reports were not submitted, so F&S worked to update the Bee Campus Committee members, update the Charge Letter, and submit the 2023 data. The Xerces Society approved the 2023 Bee Campus USA report on March 5, 2023.
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Monarch Butterfly projects
These projects support the natural habitat for the State of Illinois insect, the Monarch Butterfly.
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The student club which cared for the Butterfly Garden dissolved, and a student group has not expressed interest in caring for the garden currently.
The Land & Water iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Friday, December 1st. The team discussed the meadow at Orchard Downs, revising the iCAP Land & Water objectives, and the development of an IPM plan for non-F&S areas.
The Land & Water iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Friday, November 3rd.
I'm doing some work with the USFWS on an urban pollinator habitat
This project is in progress, with the primary challenge being the insufficient number of participants to maintain the meadow. One proposed solution under consideration is to engage students through fieldwork.
The Land & Water iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Friday, October 6th.
Hi, Steve. A News-Gazette Mailbag question for you:
Weekly Meeting between Sarthak and Hrushikesh on 7/5/2022. Sarthak gave Hrushikesh an overview of Campus Landscape Master Plan (CLMP 2022), Bike Audit, and Eco-Visio in order to work towards the 2024 Campus Bike Plan Draft.
The trees look great!