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Key Objective: 6.3 Environmental Leadership Program

The iCAP 2020, objective 6.3 is: “Launch an undergraduate Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) that includes two week-long residential intensives, pre-professional workshops, visiting speakers, and field trips to Springfield and Washington, D.C.” The responsible campus unit for championing this objective is iSEE. Progress is tracked in the iCAP Portal project page for the Environmental Leadership Program (ELP).

Associated Metric

No metric specified for this objective



While we strive to integrate sustainability into curricular courses, we also hope to create opportunities for student engagement with energy and the environment outside the classroom. One example is the proposed Environmental Leadership Program (ELP). The ELP is focused on advanced undergraduate students, and will take the form of two week-long immersive training workshops held on campus (fall) and in Washington, D.C. (spring), in addition to pre-professional seminars and environmental leadership training.


Project History