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Everitt Laboratory

1406 West Green Street
61801 Urbana , IL
United States

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Projects at this location

Project Description
Everitt Laboratory Renovation: LEED Gold

The Everitt Laboratory Renovation was certified LEED Gold on August 29, 2019, earning 64 out of 110 credits on the LEED v2009 New Construction scorecard. A significant number of credits for the project came from the Sustainable Sites and Indoor Environmental Quality categories.
Everitt Laboratory was renovated to serve a growing bioengineering program with research and learning spaces to support cross-disciplinary work areas and all students, staff, and faculty. The labs were designed to be adaptable for evolving technologies and cutting-edge research in the field. 

Solar Desalination

The Solar Desalination funding program will develop novel technologies or concepts using solar thermal energy to assist in creating freshwater from otherwise unusable waters. Thermal desalination is a potential solution to increase water supplies for municipal water and agriculture, and is an important technology to purify water produced from various industrial processes, including oil and gas production.

Full-Spectrum Optimized Conversion and Utilization of Sunlight (FOCUS)

FOCUS projects aim to enable cost-effective solar energy systems that offer the best of today's existing technologies: high-efficiency conversion of sunlight to electricity and stored, dispatchable energy from heat.

Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration (ISER)

This program applyies the Department of Energy's technical expertise to help ensure the security, resiliency and survivability of key energy assets and critical energy infrastructure.

Building Technologies Office

The Building Technologies office leads a network of research and industry partners to continually develop innovative, cost-effective energy saving solutions in building design. Some of the relevant programs under the Building Technologies office include 

  1. Emerging Technologies
  2. Residential Building
SUNSHOT Initiative

The SUNSHOT initiative is a national effort to support solar energy adoption by making solar energy affordable for all Americans through research and development efforts in collaboration with public and private partners.

Structural and Architectural Engineering and Materials (SAEM)

SAEM aims to enable sustainable buildings and other structures that can be continuously occupied and/or operated during the structure’s useful life. The SAEM program supports fundamental research for advancing knowledge and innovation in structural and architectural engineering and materials that promotes a holistic approach to analysis and design, construction, operation, maintenance, retrofit, and repair of structures.

Energy for Sustainability

The program supports fundamental engineering research that will enable innovative processes for the sustainable production of electricity and fuels, and for energy storage. These processes must be environmentally benign, reduce greenhouse gas production, and use renewable resources.

FY15 RCx

In FY15, the Retrocommissioning teams completed twelve buildings. 

Solar Panels on Everitt Lab

Today students use this array for research, labs, and data collection: