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Motorist Education about Bicycles

The Bicycle Coordinator should partner with local police enforcement, safety educators, and advocacy groups to produce an educational pamphlet for motorists about how to drive safely with bikes.  Many of the 'share the road' principals and concepts can be included, as well as technical legal requirements (like 3' passing laws) and helpful explanations, perhaps in a Q&A format.

Bike Lockers

Bike Lockers are designed to hold an entire bicycle, within an enclosed locker.  These can be very convenient for bicycle commuters who want to have extra security for their bicycle.  They provide shelter from the elements and there is usually additional storage for books, bags, and such, within the space for the bicycle.  The University does not currently have any bike lockers on campus.

Green Your Dorm

Green Your Dorm will be a month long competition held at LAR. We are aiming to get students especially in the Sustainability LLC to participate. During February, there will first be a week in which participants will receive a checklist of ways to "certify" their room. These include things such as putting in CFL bulbs and adding a recycling bin. After a week, rooms will be reviewed and can get certified. From then on out, there will be weekly challenges and ways to earn points for continuing to live "green" and having a green dorm.

Education Grants

There are various education grants available to the University, and many are received every year.  The choice to seek grant funding for sustainability related educational programs is reflected in the project history for this project.

Development of Experiential Learning Sites

The Center for a Sustainable Environment (CSE), formerly the Office of Sustainability (OS), funded a faculty member who is developing long-term experiential learning sites that will integrate research, education, engagement, and operations through hands-on learning on campus, regionally, and globally.  This includes development of virtual experiential learning sites, which archive data and information on the physical sites.

Carbon Offsets for Major Users

One of the long-term energy commitments set forth in the 2010 Illinois Climate Action Plan was to impose charges for the purchase of renewable energy for facilities that use massive amounts of energy. The National Petascale Computing Facility is the only current facility that falls into this catagory. The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds the energy use of the facility. The University plans to impost charges on the NSF for the cost of renewable energy in the next contract negotiations.  


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