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Internal price on carbon

The 2015 iCAP, chapter 9, objective 4 is, "By the end of FY16, evaluate the feasibility of internally putting a price on carbon emissions." A detailed study by campus experts, drawing on expertise of corporate partners and other universities, could be conducted to determine what implementation would make the most sense for our campus. 


Net Zero Energy Building Grant

The Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation’s Net Zero Energy Building Program will award grants to new construction or retrofit projects that achieve site net zero energy performance, or better, over the course of a year. Buildings must, at a minimum, offset all of their energy consumption with on-site generation from renewable resources. Grants will be paid incrementally, with full payment contingent on actual performance.

Assess and Reduce Agricultural GHG Emissions

The 2015 iCAP, chapter 7, objective 1 is "Perform a comprehensive assessment of GHG emissions from agricultural operations, and develop a plan to reduce them, by the end of FY16."  This assessment should include the identification or development of an agricultural emissions calculator that can be used on an annual basis to estimate related GHG emissions, along with the identification of the appropriate group of stakeholders in the relevant units who would annually provide the required i

Speech and Hearing Rooftop Solar PVs

The Student Sustainability Committee funded the design and installation of a small solar PV array on the Speech and Hearing Sciences Building. This particular location was chosen due to its viability, visibility, and location near the heart of campus.  The roof was found to be strong enough to hold a ballasted solar array, and a design was completed. That design is available here in PDF format and can be pursued, if desired.

Printer Cartridge Recycling

Printer cartridges come in many varieties, and so do the recycling options.  Because these items are considered consumable supplies, they don’t have the same stringent state regulations over disposal that equipment does.  The university has the right to dispose of waste stream items like this in the most economical and prudent manner.  There is not currently a university-wide recycling program for printer/toner cartridges, so departments are encouraged to identify the best option for their program.  Here are some possibilities:


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