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Illini Lights Out Recommendation - Assessment by iWG Chair and Unit Response

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on March 30, 2016

The iCAP Working Group met on March 30, 2016. They discussed the Illini Lights Out recommendation by the ECBS SWATeam. Since this project was on a small scale, the iWG Chair assessed the recommendation and approved it.

The Energy Conservation and Building Standards SWATeam submitted a recommendation for an Illini Lights Out campaign. A group of student volunteers will visit 8 buildings that surround the quad, turn off lights and record data. As the only resources needed was the price of pizza for the volunteers, Ben McCall - Associate Director of Campus Sustainability -  approved the recommendation on behalf of the iCAP Working Group, and indicated that iSEE will go ahead with this project.

See Illini Lights Out project for more updates.

See SWATeam recommendation ECons002 Illini Lights Out.