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- Prairie Restoration at Florida & Orchard Funding Agreement
Prairie Restoration at Florida & Orchard Funding Agreement
Posted by Sarthak Prasad on June 30, 2009
This proposal looks to restore the no-mow zone at the southwest corner of Florida Ave. and Orchard St., as the campus’ first prairie planting. It will provide a site for an array of learning and passive recreation opportunities for both students and members of the extended community, while sequestering greenhouse gases as tangible evidence of the campus commitment to responsible sustainable behavior. Thus, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding the fully requested amount of $40,000.
Attached Files
- Sustainability committee response letter- Florida and Orchard Prairie.pdf
- Sustainability committee response letter- Florida and Orchard Prairie.doc
- SSC Final Allocation Approval - Florida and Orchard Prairie.pdf
- SSC Final Allocation Approval - Florida and Orchard Prairie.doc
- SSC revision questions 2013 final 2 .docx
- after_survey_pres_boards_04212011.pdf
- Change in Scope Approval_2013.docx
- Florida and Orchard Prairie Funding Deadline Extension.doc
- Florida and Orchard Prairie Funding Deadline Extension.pdf
- Florida and Orchard Prairie Proposal.doc
- No-Mow Prairie Final.pdf
- NRB and FL-Orchard Change in Scope Approval_2013.pdf
- Prairie budget.pdf
- prairie_examples_06232011.pdf
- Red_Bison_Prairie_Fund_Extension.pdf
- Rev MOA - Gifts in Kind PrairieRestoration Jack Pizzo Associates.doc