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Projects Updates for place: Illinois Street Residence Halls

  1. New Trailer Location Map Sent to Participating Departments - August 2018

    Associated Project(s): 

    The glove recycling trailer was moved to a different location at the Physical Plant Services Building during the summer of 2018. Marya Ryan sent a map showing the new location to all departments participating in the glove recycling program on August 14, 2018. The information on the iCAP portal page was also updated to reflect the change.

  2. How to empty the trailer

    Associated Project(s): 

    When the glove recycling storage container is full, Housing Food Stores Operations Manager Michael Olinger contacts Kimberly-Clark. Kimberly-Clark then comes to campus and loads the pallets of gloves into a truck to recycle them.

  3. Added Glove Recycling Locations to Project Locations Map

    Associated Project(s): 

    Several locations that have been participating in glove recycling were missing from the project locations map. Marya Ryan added them on July 29. They are Florida Avenue Residence Halls, Ikenberry Commons, Illinois Street Residence Halls, Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls, and Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls.

  4. Webform Now Available for Glove Recycling Participation Sign-Up

    Associated Project(s): 

    A web form is now available for departments to use when signing up to participate in the glove recycling program. Program participation instructions on the iCAP web page for the program have been updated to include the link. The form is to be used instead of emailing the zero-waste coordinator directly.

  5. Updated Glove Drop-off Site

    Associated Project(s): 

    The location to drop off gloves at the Physical Plant Services Building (PPSB) changed in the summer of 2018. The map showing the location was updated accordingly. It is still at PPSB but in a slightly different location there.

  6. BER Volunteers Identified Department Contacts for Outreach

    Associated Project(s): 

    In July 2018, BER student volunteers identified contacts for about 15 departments that purchase significant quantities of nitrile gloves but do not currenty participate in the glove recycling program. In the fall, volunteers will follow up with the contacts to inquire about interest in participation.

  7. BER Volunteers to Assist with Outreach to Departments

    Associated Project(s): 

    Student volunteers from Business Environmental Responsibilities stepped forward over the winter to assist with outreach to departments that purchase nitrile gloves but are not yet participating in the glove recycling program. They now have a list of about a dozen departments that purchase large quantities of gloves. Over the summer, they will identify contacts within each department. In the fall, F&S will provide them with information and materials to send to interested departments, and they can start emailing and calling the departments.

  8. Recycled Glove Quantities Reported by Kimberly-Clark

    Associated Project(s): 

    Kimberly-Clark reported the following waste diversion statistics related to the glove recycling program:

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/Illinois Sustainable Technology  Center: 3,000 lbs

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/Illinois Chemistry Department: 440 lbs


    The time frame was not included in the report. Additional information will be sought.

  9. Replaced Related File Dec. 10, 2017

    Associated Project(s): 

    Replaced Glove Bin Poster.pdf file of the glove bin sign with a newer version sent from Jonathan McClintock. The newer version (UIUC KC RIGHTSYCLE BIN SIGN.pdf) includes a campus logo.

  10. Archived Project Description

    Associated Project(s): 

    Archived and replaced the following description on Dec. 10, 2017:

    In lab buildings, protective gloves can be a major component of the waste stream.  For example, at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC), plastic gloves were found to be over 8% of their total waste by weight.  There is a recycling program for nitrile gloves that can be purchased through Fisher Scientific, for Kimberely-Clark nitrile gloves.  This program is being implemented at various locations across campus.

  11. Pursuing Resources for Transporting Gloves to Trailer

    Associated Project(s): 

    Having a resource to transport gloves from the locations where they are used to the centralized collection point (a trailer at the Physical Plant) would help boost participation in the glove recycling program. Staff and volunteer resources are being explored at present.

  12. Nitrile Glove recycling status update

    Associated Project(s): 

    HI All,

    As you may be aware, I am leaving the University at the end of the month. So I am providing you with a communication document about the Nitrile Glove Recycling Program, just to make sure everyone is on the same page.  I am also including all contact information so if there are any questions, you know who to call.  Please see the attached.

    All the best,

