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Projects Updates for Campus Bike Center

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  1. weekly digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    This past week was good.  I built the cargo bike, went to the the all employee expo, and got a lot done.  We built several bikes for sale and got a lot of cleaning done.  I worked on search committee items as well.  We sold 1 build-a-bike for $130, 5 student memberships for $125, and grossed $1279.58.  There were a lot of people who came by and checked out the cargo bike.  I was able to get Rick Langlois to demo the bike for 2 weeks at his department so we can see what issues may arise.  I have FAA lined up to be the next.  They will have it longer.  I also spent some time helping Rick find bikes and accessories for the departmental bike share he is starting.  I completed the emergency plan and have had all students review and sign the document.  I spent some time working on our performance reports.

    This week I will be participating in the Bike Summit, working on making some tools, and cleaning the shop.  I will also be preparing for a class I have scheduled on Nov. 5th with the athletic department.  I will continue work on the performance reports as well.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  2. weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    last week was good.  We fixed a lot of bikes, and got somethings repaired at the shop.  We sold a build-a-bike for $40, 4 student memberships, 1 community membership, 1 family membership, and grossed $893.

    This week I will build the new cargo bike, work on search committee items, and work on getting the cargo bike loaned out to a department.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  3. weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    I came back Tuesday just in time for Volunteer hours!  The Center is in good shape and the students are anxious to fix bikes.  There was a suspected gas leak that turned out to be a false alarm.  It was good practice.  It also alerted us to the fact that we don't have an emergency plan.  It was decided to get an emergency plan setup and registered with the emergency service departments.  We sold 3 bikes for $380, 2 build-a-bikes for $190, 7 student memberships for $175, 1 community membership for $40, and grossed $1328.00.  I also meet with the Active Transportation Search Committee and work on that item. 

    This week I plan on getting an emergency plan for the Center.  I will be doing more work with the search committee.  I plan on building more bikes, and continuing to organize the shop. 

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  4. weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    This past week was great.  We were closed for part of the week so I could go to a bicycle conference.  We were busy other wise.  The Center sold 2 bikes for $260, 2 build-a-bikes for $90, 1 membership for $25, and grossed $877.22.  I worked on preforming my duties as a member for the Active Transportation Coordinator search committee.  I also was able to build a couple of bikes. 

    This week I plan on continuing work with the search committee, cleaning the shop, and building bikes to make room in the back of the shop for my long term goal of a educational area.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  5. weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    This past week was busy but good.  I was able to start our partnership with the school of education and orientate the EDU 201 students.  I registered quite a few bikes, and we had strong attendance at the Center.  We also lent a pair of bikes to the Krannert center for a performance, which is said to have been wonderful.  We sold 1 bike for $120, 12 student memberships for $300, and 3 community memberships for $120.  The Center grossed $1278.  I went to the BPAC meeting.  Nothing of note there, we just went over the MCORE plans.

    This coming week I will be training students from the EDU 201 class on how to help us at the Bike Project and Bike Center.  I will be preparing for my absence in October for Bike!Bike!.  I will also be training new employees, and making sure shop operations are up to standard.  With the busyness of fall, and trying to fill in for the not yet hired active trans coordinator a lot of things were not attended to as well as I would have liked. 

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  6. weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    This past week was very busy.  We did lots of good stuff.  We successfully pulled off the LTN 2015.  We served quite a few people, and found a new person to work at the shop.  We sold one bike for $160, 2 build-a-bikes for $100, 6 memberships for $150, and grossed $10,078.57.  I made more shop fliers, and continued to setup the EDU 201 course.  Stacey and I have been following up on the cargo bike situation, and I met with Jeff Yockey about the Bike Summit.  No bike built.  We have been too busy.

    This week I will finalize hiring a new employee who will substitute when staff are now here/transition into staff.  We will be losing two staffers in December, and more in the spring.  I am working on getting the shop back into shape after the student rush, and organizing it a little better.  I will also be doing orientation for the EDU 201 course Wednesday night.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  7. weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    The past few weeks have been very busy.  I have not been able to write a weekly digest.  We have seen a massive increase in people coming in.  The shop has been operating at above capacity, but with some patience on the part of those coming in as well as some kind volunteers we have gotten by.  We have tabled at the International Student Check in, Quad Day, and the Paraprofessional Resource Fair.  We pulled about 80 bikes from the warehouse, donated quite a few bikes to Habitat for Humanity, and a couple to the YMCA.  I helped coordinate bike volunteers for Dump and Run and helped a little coordinating volunteers for Habitat for Humanity.  I helped the organizers of the Illinois Bike Summit find speakers for the Community Bike Shop portion of the Summit.  I helped create some new advocacy materials.

    This week I plan on reorganizing the Center to fix the chaos of the last few weeks, building bikes, printing more advocacy materials, and working on ordering bike parts.

    I will see about creating a class schedule for the semester.

    From the Campus Outpost,

    James Roedl

  8. Award Letter - Makers Bike Seat

    The Makers UIUC Bike Seat Project is a student-centered venture to design, produce, and distribute an environmentally-friendly and economical bike seat cover in order to promote biking on campus. By providing a way of protecting bicycle seats, we are addressing the problems of biking in adverse weather conditions. Our intention is not only to design a product made with environmentally friendly materials, but to encourage the use of eco-friendly transportation as a whole.

  9. Award Letter - Demo Cargo Bike

    The idea for the project came after noticing most trucks on campus are only hauling small loads compared to the capacity they were made for. We believe we could switch many transportation tasks over to human powered vehicles. We are hoping we can use a demonstration cargo bike to show different departments how they can use sustainable transportation rather than large fossil fuel powered trucks. We want the departments to see how useful cargo bikes can be and then buy their own. This would not only save money, reduce pollution and congestion, but open up opportunities for student workers who do not have driver’s licenses to do these tasks. This would open up more jobs for students on campus as well as let them participate in sustainable transportation which they could then take and implement after they graduate.

  10. bike warehouse cleanout

    Associated Project(s): 


    I have removed all bikes from the warehouse.


    From: Wahl, Michelle
    Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 6:27 PM
    To: Roedl, James M
    Cc: Johnston, Morgan B; DeLorenzo, Stacey; Calloway, Jason Robard; Wise, Michael Anthony
    Subject: Re: Bike Pick Up!

    That is awesome thanks for the quick reply! I will let Kari know tomorrow! 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Apr 28, 2015, at 5:18 PM, Roedl, James M wrote:


    I can work with Kari and should be able to get all of those bikes out by Friday the 1st.  If that works for you.



  11. Quad Day registration

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: []
    Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 1:03 PM
    To: Roedl, James M
    Subject: Quad Day Registration Confirmation

    This is to confirm that we have received your 2015 Quad Day registration. However, this does not guarantee you a spot for Quad Day until a balance check has been done on your credit card or RSO account.
    If you have any questions, please email

    Organization Name: The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign
    Organization Type: Non-Profit, Community Organizations
    Primary Name: James Roedl
    Primary Phone: 217-244-1196
    Primary Email: jmroedl
    Second Contact Name:
    Second Contact Email:
    Payment Type: CreditCard
    Payment Amount: $28.00

  12. Working Bikes donation

    Associated Project(s): 


    This Saturday we removed 390 bicycles from the warehouse.  Of the bikes we planned to ship to Ghana 60 or 70 did not fit into the shipping container.  I am arranging for Working Bikes to come down in a few weeks and pick these up.  I do not have a date yet.  I will let you know as soon as I can confirm details.  There are also about 60 good bikes that I will transfer from the warehouse to the bike center.  I will work with Tina and the other parking employees to get this done.


    James Roedl

  13. Request for scope/schedule change to SSC

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S requested that SSC funding from FY14 and FY13 for the Campus Bike Center be allowed to be used for the Campus Bike Center in FY15. 

    1. There is $2,224.50 remaining of the funding allocation for the “Campus Bike Project” from FY13.  I am requesting permission from the SSC to use these funds during FY15, for staff and student employee costs.  This is not a change in scope, just a schedule change to permit FY15 use of funds.
    2. The current funding allocation for the “Campus Bicycle Shop” in FY14 included specific items for the funding in support of the Bike Center.  I am requesting permission to use any remaining funds from this year’s allocation during FY15, for staff and student employee costs.

    ~Morgan Johnston

  14. Sustainability Analysis of the Campus Bike Center

    The Campus Bike Center opened for business in May 2010, funded by The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign, a grant from the Student Sustainability Committee, the Center for a Sustainable Environment, and supplementary funding from the Facilities and Services Department at UIUC[1]. The Center offers a hands-on, educational space in which students and community members can have access to knowledge and experience in maintaining and fixing bicycles, as well as all of the necessary tools and products to do so. The Center’s outlined mission is to teach bicycle maintenance, providing access to affordable equipment, support overall safety education, and participate in campus bicycle community outreach2. The Center also has described goals for sustainability; to contribute towards the ICAP goal to reduce transportation emissions by 50% in 2025, support those who use bicycles for transportation, to make bikes a more feasible alternative to motor vehicles on this campus, and to expand these efforts even more through increased outreach and publicity efforts, increased staff capacity, more events outside of the shop to reach new audiences, more refurbished bikes to sell to students, and more courses, workshops, and demonstrations to educate the campus about bikes2.

    [1] Neptune, Amelia. Bike Shop Student Sustainability Committee Application. UIUC ICAP Portal. 11 Nov 2012. Accessed 8 May 2014.



  15. Bike Funding Needs

    Associated Project(s): 

    In 2011, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was recognized as a bronze-level Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) by the League of American Bicyclists. This was in large part a result of efforts by Facilities & Services in cooperation with community partners, including the Bicycle Friendly Cities of Urbana and Champaign and Champaign County Bikes, which is dedicated to making Champaign County the most bicycle friendly county in the Midwest.  The Student Sustainability Committee, Illinois Student Senate, and Dean of Students have added funding.

    The BFU Bronze status expires in 2015, and campus needs to address several bicycle-related items in order to maintain Bronze status or achieve the Silver designation.  Key points, status, timing, and approximate long-term funding needs are below.




     Long-term Funding Needs

    Approve Campus Bike Plan

    final edits underway, then routing for approval from F&S and Campus


    use existing staff time

    Improve bikeway network

    integrating some of these with street and capital projects, seeking grants

    five to ten years

    approximately $4 Million

    Upgrade bike parking

    over 150 parking locations are not up to acceptable standards

    three to five years

    approximately $400K

    Adopt Campus Bike Code and  bike registration system

    final edits underway, then routing for approval; costs include tracking citations, and handling registration

    approve by June 30, 2014

    $5-$20k/year recurring

    Campus Bicycle Coordinator over programs such as bike sharing and ambassadors

    no funding available, currently managed part-time by a team of F&S


    $45k/year recurring

    Bicycle Education maps, materials and classes

    currently offered by the Campus Bike Center and Champaign County Bikes


    $5-$10k/year recurring

    Campus Bike Center advocacy, education, and encouragement

    recurring events, in collaboration with Champaign County Bikes and student advocacy groups


    $50k/year recurring

    With increasing ridership over the last decade and an average of 5,000 bikes on campus during a typical hour, it is clear that bicycle-related needs should not be ignored.  Bikeway improvements, parking upgrades, and a new bike code are in progress now; however, to keep the Bicycle Friendly status, campus should allocate $50,000 in FY15 for the Campus Bike Center (a collaboration between campus and The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign).

    The Bike Center distributes UI registration stickers; maintains Bike Fix-it Stations; provides a central base for the bicycling community on campus; encourages mode-shift through various events and classes throughout the year; distributes educational resources regarding bicycling; educates students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors about basic bicycle maintenance; and collaborates with campus and community partners in bicycle-related programs.  By keeping the Bike Center open, campus can spread awareness about the many improvements, increase safety, sustainability, and health on campus, and continue to offer education and encouragement events this coming year.

    Attached Files: 
  16. Name changing to Campus Bike Center

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Campus Bicycle Shop is changing its name!  The word "shop" simply didn't reflect the educational and mode-shift mission of this fantastic bicycling resource.  The new name is Campus Bike Center, and we appreciate your support spreading awareness of this change.

  17. Funding assistance from ISS

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: M Connor Schickel [] Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2013 11:24 PM To: Subject: Funding   Hello,   My name is Connor Schickel. I am a Illinois Student Senator and had heard that the Campus Bike Shop is in need of funding. I was interested in meeting with you guys some time and perhaps talking about what you do, so that I can persuade members of our organization to allocate some of our funds towards the Campus Bike Shop.    Look forward to hearing back from you.   Best,   M. Connor E. Schickel  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Engineering Illinois Student Senate *Senator* Sub-Committee on Campus Safety and Student Rights *Chairman* Committee on Campus Affairs Committee on Honorary Degrees
