Weekly Update
All, a nice and generally manageable number of visitors to the shop this week. 2-3 people working on shop builds and some fix-a-flatters in every day.
I rode down Green St last week and that was a delight. Great new markings!
Thanks to Todd for grabbing the scrap pile over the weekend.
This week I will be contacting the Dero bike pump people about the problem with the Altgeld pump: squirrels keep chewing off the pump head, rendering it unusable. I’ll check with them to see if they’ve got any solutions.
I will also be setting up a meeting this week with a student group who are looking to solve bike waste on campus.
Visitors: 88
Sales: $777.45
Bike (refurb): 1 for $160
Bike (B-a-B): 2 for $158
Memberships: 3 for $90
Tire/tubes: 23 for $123
- Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager