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Projects Updates for Enviropures
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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
10/16 Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached are the meeting minutes and chat from the Zero Waste SWATeam meeting on 10/16.
Discussed were the following topics:
Reducing Food Waste
- Post-consumer food waste prevention
- Post-consumer food waste recovery
Vending Machine Alternatives to Single-use plastics
Plastic Recovery
Single Use Plastics
Illini Union Shadowbox attachment
Food Literacy Project
Attached Files:Enviropures decomissioned and transtioned to Grind2Energy
Associated Project(s):In 2018, all 6 Enviropures were decommissioned. At the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, Dining began the installation of the first Grind2Energy system. See the Grind2Energy project page for more details.
Enviropure emissions information
Associated Project(s):Good afternoon,
Yesterday afternoon, the question of how much carbon dioxide does an Enviropure unit produce was asked. I’ve copied the information below from their website:
“According to the EPA and USCC, carbon dioxide emissions generated from the aerobic decomposition of food waste by systems such as the EnviroPure systems are considered to be “biogenic”. This means that our EnviroPure Systems and the carbon it returns to the environment are part of the natural carbon cycle and so it does not contribute to greenhouse gases and global warming.”
Please let me know if anyone has any further questions about the Enviropure units. Also, please forward this information to other members of the swat team I may be missing.
Thank you,
Carol H. Strohbeck
Assistant Director of Dining Services, Equipment & Facilities