Meeting notes from 01/18/2024
Please see attached
Please see attached
Hi everyone,
Getting these meetings scheduled for the next semester.
Hi Leon,
Hope you are doing well.
Sarthak Prasad met with Sterling on 6/29/2023.
Please see attached the report from Integrating Green Technologies (IGT) regarding the project and results from the air quality assessment experiment conducted at the Astronomy Building in July 2022 as well as the Design Thinking Workshop held in November 2022.
Sarthak + Morgan,
Please see the attached PDF. It includes all iCAP and related activities for 2022-2023.
Thank you for your responses so far to attend this very important event to confront Health and Environmental Strategies for Climate Adaptation.
Project name changed from "HVAC and Air Quality Assessment Pilot Project" to "Energy-Efficient HVAC Infection Control".
Sarthak Prasad and Morgan White are meeting with Sterling Laylock from SafeTraces on January 9 from 11 to 12 pm to cover the following:
Here's a short list of outcomes from our Nov 10th Design Thinking Session.
SafeTraces, Integrating Green Technologies, and Facilities & Services invited guests from across Illinois and throughout campus to discuss indoor air quality for Illinois buildings.
Below is an email between Sarthak Prasad, Sterling Laylock, Morgan White, and Carl Tutt:
Hi Sterling,
Following email was sent by Sterling Laylock regarding the update:
Hi Sarthak, Yes, we have completed the analysis and are prepared to present our findings for the Astronomy Building.
We will also be sharing relevant data and insights from additional buildings across other regions of the state as well.
Proposed Presentation Date
Thursday, November 10th is our proposed date to present our findings as requested by Morgan White.
On 6/15/2022, Morgan White, Sterling Laylock, Ali Khan, Maria Thompson, and Alec McKay met to discuss revisions to the quote for the HVAC and Air Quality Assessment tests, and to confirm a date to start testing, which is July 22, 2022.
Ali Khan and Dhruv Gambhire are now on the F&S payroll as grad hourly employees, in the Sustainability Department. Their funding is from the Student Sustainability Committee, in support of the SSC-funded project for HVAC and Air Quality Assessment.
Morgan White, Dhruvaraj Gambhire, and Ali Khan met on 4-6-2022 to discuss what the next steps of the project are.
A file containing the notes from the meeting is attached below.
Dhuvaraj Gambhire and Ali Khan met with Morgan White on 2-11-2022 to discuss how they can acquire a Notice to Proceed and access to the Atmospheric Science Building for testing.
They will get a quote from Sterling, which will allow them to get a Purchase Order (PO). After they get the PO, they can get a Notice to Proceed and access to the building.
"The current schedule at Astronomy is 6:00am – 11:59pm, 7 days a week, Sunday – Saturday, which is the COVID schedule that we are running on units across campus." -David Hardin (11-17-2021)
According to F&S, Management Engineer, Mike Halm:
1. Currently, this unit is in occupied mode on weekdays, 6AM to midnight. Normally the occupancy schedule will more closely follow the hours the building is open, but runtimes were extended across campus as a precaution during the pandemic.
This is an example of what the format used below.
Q#: What is the answer to this question?
A#: This is the answer to that question.
Dhruv and Ali provided the following answers to Sterling with SafeTraces: