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Sustainable Building Materials (Ongoing)
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Building Maintenance is a complex process where we attempt to repair or replace building components with more energy efficient and sustainable materials every chance we get.
Since we are concerned with many older buildings and older equipment we normally take a practical approach to our repairs and...View full description »
Building Maintenance is a complex process where we attempt to repair or replace building components with more energy efficient and sustainable materials every chance we get.
Since we are concerned with many older buildings and older equipment we normally take a practical approach to our repairs and maintenance of the building exterior and infrastructure. We utilize environmentally friendly materials such as paint with lower VOC (Volatile organic compounds). In many of these buildings we are limited with regard to utilizing newer more sustainable materials since we have to match wood trim and other building components with like materials. We are working to improve the indoor environmental quality with replacement of asbestos containing materials within the buildings, i.e.; floor tile, ceiling tile, pipe insulation, cleaning coils and ductwork, etc. When we have an option we are using more sustainable products.
« Collapse descriptionThe Purchasing Division specifies and purchases products with recycled material content whenever comparable to products without recycled content. The Division also identifies frequently purchased items for which recycled content items can substitute. Examples of reviewed items include: office...View full background »
The Purchasing Division specifies and purchases products with recycled material content whenever comparable to products without recycled content. The Division also identifies frequently purchased items for which recycled content items can substitute. Examples of reviewed items include: office supplies, paper products, building materials, lubricants, reprocessed chemicals, remanufactured parts, landscape products, and pavement materials. To ensure that a larger percentage of the University's waste stream can be recycled, the procurement policy will seek to eliminate the purchase of non-recyclable materials when suitable substitutes exist.
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Project details last updated on: 8/3/2018. Check Project Updates for recent activity.