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Allerton Park & Retreat Center

515 Old Timber Road
61856 Monticello , IL
United States

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Projects at this location

Project Description
Allerton Climate Action Plan (apCAP)

The Allerton Park Climate Action Plan (apCAP) is the first of a series of more detailed proposals to supplement the iCAP with goals and strategies specific to the needs and resources of on- and off-campus entities. By participating in the development of, and implementing the strategies outlined in, the apCAP, Allerton Park is continuing to exercise its dedication to environmental conservation, and serving as an example of ecological sustainability through institutional reform.

Green Allerton Wood-fired Boiler

An Outdoor Wood-fired Boiler system was funded to replace a natural gas heating system at Allerton Park. By replacing the previous system, CO2 emissions will be eliminated and there will be a substantial cost savings. The use of a renewable resource (wood), obtained from landscape management at the park grounds in place of a non-renewable one (natural gas), combined with the greenhouse gas emissions reduction will help increase campus sustainability. The Student Sustainability Committee Granted the project $25,500.

Geothermal at Allerton Park

Allerton Park was able to install a geothermal energy system at the Evergreen Lodge, with funding from the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).  There are opportunities for future installations of geothermal energy, when funding allows.

Project Updates

  • 6/22/2021

    For June, CCNet has arranged and sponsored a tour at Allerton Park & Retreat Center. This tour will take place on Friday, June 25th at 3:00 PM CDT. As mentioned in their monthly newsletter: 


  • 6/30/2015

    In accordance with the explicit goals of the Allerton Park Climate Action Plan (apCAP), Allerton Park aims to install an augmented park-wide recycling collection system.