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Sustainability Internship Program (Proposed)

Recent Project Updates

  • 1/18/2024

    The Education iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Thursday, January 18th. Meeting minutes are attached.

  • 12/7/2023

    The Education iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Thursday, December 7th. The team discussed Sustainability in Study Abroad, the Sustainability Literacy assessment, and the Sustainability Internship Coordinator recommendation.

Key Objective


The iCAP 2020 objective 6.4 is to "Develop a sustainability internship program by partnering with businesses, nonprofits, local government, and cultural institutions in Central Illinois. The total number of internships awarded will be reported each year." The responsible campus unit for championing this objective is iSEE.


According to the 2018-19 Illini Success Re-port,137 90% of graduates reported participating in experiential learning opportunities like in-ternships. With this in mind, providing oppor-tunities for sustainability-focused experiential learning is an excellent way to integrate sus-tainability into students’ educational pathways while maintaining the university’s mission. It is therefore imperative to increase co-curricular sustainability program offerings for students seeking professional development, leadership training, and sustainability education outside of their disciplines. 

We plan to collaborate with local govern-ments, businesses, nonprofits, and cultural in-stitutions to achieve this objective. This allows for students to network and cultivate relation-ships with sustainably-minded organizations in the area.

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