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Energy Displays and Metering Funding Letter
Posted by Sarthak Prasad on June 30, 2011
This proposal seeks to install web-based display system for campus building energy consumption. The initial system will include information from 25 buildings as well as the Abbott power plant. Data will be available in real-time for buildings that have real-time metering, and monthly for other buildings; utilities included will be steam, chilled water and electricity. This project will also leverage funds from other project partners to make upgrades to building metering systems to provide real-time data for display and campus energy management use. Breakdown of funds is as follows: up to $50,000 for software purchase and install, up to $6750 for software maintenance, and up to $100,000 (this last portion in matching funds) for metering upgrades in initial buildings. Once the program is in place, ECI will work with project partners to arrange to display information on new or existing in-building displays as well as add information from other buildings. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $156,750.
Attached Files
Sustainability committee award letter - Energy Displays and Metering.pdf
Sustainability committee award letter - Energy Displays and Metering.docx
Building Metering Status.xlsx
Energy Dashboard Agreement.pdf
InStep Energy Dahsboard Proposal_06_08_11.docx
Potential List of 25 Buildings for display project.xlsx
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Energy Displays and Metering.docx
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Energy Displays and Metering.PDF
SSC LTR Energy Displays and Metering_FINAL.docx