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Projects Updates for key objective: 5.2 Reduce Landfilled Waste

  1. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero waste activities this week were a few emails about getting glove recycling on the PWR SWATeam agenda. The current plan is to bring the topic to the team in the fall, when the Green Labs Committee becomes active.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  2. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    This week's zero waste activities were

    • Email to put David Akins of the School of Art and Design in touch with Morgan to move forward with relocating the EPS densifier to Art and Design. She will coordinate with him, Joe Pickowitz, and BK Sharma to set up a time for Mr. Akins to see the densifier.
    • Emailed Julija Sakutyte of the PWR SWATeam to get me, Morgan, and Sara Portillo of Kimberly-Clark on an upcoming PWR SWATeam agenda to discuss the glove recycling program. Currently, it looks like it could be May before everyone's schedules align.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  3. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero waste activities this past week were that I heard back from the School of Art and Design, which may be interested in acquiring the EPS densifier. I have an email out to Morgan, Pete, and Joe Pickowitz to identify the right person for Art and Design to work with on a possible transfer.

    I also reviewed further PWR-SWATeam comments on the waste-reduction goals for iCAP Objective 6.1.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  4. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    Zero waste activities for the past week were that I emailed the Siebel Design Center, the School of Art and Design, and the Architecture Annex to see if any of them would like the EPS densifier.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  5. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero waste activity for the past week was an exchange of emails with Fab Lab to see if they could make use of the EPS densifier. They appreciated the offer but declined it for lack of space. They suggested Arch Annex1 may have use for it, and Morgan has also given me other suggestions, which I plan to pursue this week.

    Best regards

    Marya Ryan

  6. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    Zero waste activities for the past week were

    • A phone call with Morgan, Shantanu Pai, Sara Portillo of Kimberly-Clark, and me to discuss the Division of Research Safety's concerns about lab participation in the glove recycling program. Sara shared information about Kimberly-Clark's handling of safety concerns on other campuses. Morgan and I will discuss the situation with the PWR SWATeam.
    • I updated the iCAP portal glove recycling page and the related program information flier.

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan

  7. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 


    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero waste activity this week was catching up on emails. Morgan OKed my proposed updates to the glove recycling page of the iCAP portal (and the PDF flier with parallel content). I had intended to make the updates yesterday but fell ill. I’m better this morning, so I’ll plan to get them wrapped up early this evening.

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan

  8. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn,

    Zero waste activity for the past week is as follows:

    • I am arranging a conference call with Morgan and the Kimberly-Clark representative to discuss the glove recycling program. I am seeing if Shantanu Pai can join us.
    • I have an email out to Morgan to approve proposed changes to the iCAP portal glove recycling page to reflect the program changes that took effect Dec. 31.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  9. PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation - Successful

    Dr. Mohamed Attalla, Executive Director of Facilities & Services, responded via email to iSEE Associate Director of Sustainability Ximing Cai affirming the intent of F&S to hire a full-time Zero Waste Coordinator:

    "We have reviewed the PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator SWATeam Recommendation and iCAP Working Group Assessment, and we will proceed with hiring a full-time Zero Waste Coordinator. 

    The key responsibilities for this position will be to “educate the campus on recycling, and to push for systemic changes to improve campus recycling” as suggested by the iWG. This position will report to Pete Varney and work closely with Morgan White.  Additionally, once the position is filled, that person will serve as the F&S staff person on the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam."

    For future updates on this project, please visit Zero Waste.

    See iWG Assessment of PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator here.

    See SWATeam Recommendation PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator here.


  10. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Pete and Shawn—

    Zero waste activity this past week consisted of

    • Receiving information from the BER students that they had gathered for the glove recycling program. Even though labs will not be participating going forward, they finished up with identifying teaching contacts for us, so I thanked them for our work and have filed their spreadsheet in case we can use it in the future.
    • Meghna Vijayan has been our contact with BER. Her term as president of the group has come to an end, and she provided contact information for their new president, Katie Goebel.
    • I emailed Morgan to confirm whether to revise the glove recycling information on the iCAP portal page to reflect the fact that labs are no longer participating.
    • I followed up with Urbana Purchasing for Kimberly-Clark pricing information requested from sustainability staff at Arizona State University, where they are revamping their glove recycling program. I suspect the information may be confidential, but I wanted to follow up with as much as we’re at liberty to share.
    • Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  11. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    [Updates sent Jan. 2, 2019]

    Good Morning, Pete and Shawn,

    I hope your new year is off to a good start. Here are zero waste activities from the past week:

    • I drafted updates to the glove recycling page of the iCAP portal and flier and sent them to Morgan for review.
    • I cleaned up my spreadsheet where I track glove recycling sites.
    • I drafted an SSC report for fall 2018 and sent it to Morgan for review.

    Best Regards,

    Marya Ryan

  12. PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Mohamed Attalla, Director of Facilities & Services.

    See iWG assessment of PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator attached.

    See SWATeam Recommendation PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator here.
