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Projects Updates for key objective: 5.2 Reduce Landfilled Waste

  1. Information Distributed to Housing Paraprofessionals - August 2018

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S staffed a table at iSEE on Aug. 13, 2018, as part of the Housing Paraprofessionals Amazing Resource Race. Teams of paraprofessionals from the residence halls visited various sites on campus to learn about resources available on campus. When they visited the table at iSEE, each of the 9 teams that came to the site received a blue desk side recycling bin with flyers explaining campus zero waste efforts and several iSEE programs. They heard a brief overview of recycling efforts and got their questions answered.

  2. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Last week’s zero waste activities were

    • Staffing a table at iSEE for the Housing Paraprofessionals Amazing Resource Race. Nine of the 18 teams stopped by to receive information about zero waste efforts on campus. Each team received a blue desk side recycling bin with recycling information fliers. iSEE placed flyers about academic and additional “green” programs in the bins.
    • Sharing photos of our WTS conveyor belt system with interested parties on the CURC list serv. A participant from University of Massachusetts-Amherst sent out a call for photos and information about conveyor belt systems, since they are considering using one. The list does not allow participants to attachments through the list, so I replied that I had photos and sent them to him. Participants from USC, UCLA, City College of San Francisco, and Oklahoma State contacted me individually for the photos.
    • Sent the map showing our new glove trailer location to contacts at departments that participate in the glove recycling program.
    • Recontacted Jordan Powers at Fisher Scientific to try to get the name of the current RightCycle contact person at Kimberly Clark.
    • Reviewed a revised battery recycling program proposal from the Campus Committee on Recycling Batteries, a group of interested faculty members and others, whose efforts Robert McKim has been coordinating. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  3. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero-waste activity this past week consisted of 

    • Emails and other preparation for participating in the Parapros Amazing Resource Race tomorrow. I’ll staff a table at iSEE, along with Micah Kenfield and hand out blue desk-side recycling bins with information about the campus recycling programs. Morgan has everything set up, so I’ll pick up the bins at her office in the morning and head over to iSEE to meet with Micah. 
    • I pinged Jordan Powers from Fisher Scientific for the name of the new Right Cycle contact at Kimberly-Clark. I believe the person will have been in the new position for about a week now, so hopefully, they are ready for us to post their contact information on the glove recycling page of the iCAP portal. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  4. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Here are last week’s updates on zero-waste activities: 

    • The glove recycling program participation web form is now live and posted on the iCAP portal.
    • The glove recycling drop-off instructions have been updated to show the new location of the trailer at PPSB; the new instructions are posted on the iCAP portal.
    • La Casa Cultural Latina is a new glove recycling participating site and has been added to the locations map on the iCAP portal
    • I learned that Jonathan McClintock, who had been our Kimberly-Clark contact, has moved to a different position. Jordan Powers of Fisher Scientific has promised to send me the name of the new contact in a week or so, once the new person is in place at K-C.
    • In response to a request on the CURC LISTSERV, I sent some photos of the conveyor belt system at WTS that Morgan passed along. The LISTSERV message bounced, and I have a note to the moderator to see if they can help get it through.
    • I sent an inquiry to CURC to see whether the results of the spring campus recycling survey are available yet. We participated in the survey. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  5. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    [This past week, there were] just a few emails, including one from the BER student volunteers. I had sent them a spreadsheet showing departments that were not yet participating in the glove recycling program but had $2,000 or more in nitrile glove purchases this year. They identified contacts for each department and will do some outreach when the fall semester begins. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  6. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero-waste activities for the past were 

    • Prepared and sent a scope and timeline request to SSC for the zero-waste projects. The request was granted, so we have one more year (through July 31, 2019) to spend the rest of the SSC funding on outdoor dual bins (geNng estimates and using remaining funds for the bins themselves)
    • Drafted a spring 2018 semester report for SSC and sent it to Morgan for review.
    • Investigated bounced email to our Kimberly-Clark contact, Jonathan McClintock. I’m seeing if he still works there and is still our contact for RightCycle. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  7. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Here are the zero-waste activities for the week: Morgan, Brent Lewis, and I met with Shawn Hopkins of Bigbelly to discuss possibilities for indoor bins. 

    • I responded some emails about styrofoam recycling.
    • I participated in a CURC listserv discussion about conveyor belt sorting systems. I asked Morgan about any pictures, videos, schematics, and data we might be able to share,
    • I drafted a semesterly report and scope-and-timeline change request for the SSC funding to see if they can give us another year and if we can focus the remaining funds on replacing the outdoor bins with dual bins. Morgan has the draft to review. 
    • I responded to an inquiry from La Casa Cultural Latina about participating in the glove recycling program. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  8. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    This past week, I 

    • Fielded email about the styrofoam recycling drop-off at Dart.
    • Updated the Styrecycle page in the iCAP portal.
    • Rescheduled a meeting with Shawn Hopkins of Big Belly, at his request. He, Morgan, Brent, and I will meet next week.
    • Reviewed my records to estimate how much time I’ve spent on bins/source separation, glove recycling, and other zero-waste activities so that Morgan and I can provide the relevant information in the final SSC report. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  9. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    [This past week,] I had a few emails with Morgan and Micah about updates to the iCAP portal page on EPS recycling and got a reply from Robert McKim on comments I’d made on a battery recycling program proposal his committee had drafted.

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  10. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero-waste activities last week were 

    • A review of and response to a battery recycling program/funding proposal drafted by the Campus Committee on Recycling Batteries. The Committee includes Clara Bosak-Schroeder, Ömer Özgür Çapraz, Marcus Smith, and Robert McKim.
    • Response to an inquiry about the styrofoam recycling drop-off location at DART.
    • An email to Morgan and Micah regarding content of the iCAP portal page about styrofoam recycling. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  11. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero waste activities for the past week were as follows: 

    • Morgan and I had a phone meeting to go over next steps on the glove recycling program, now that the trailer is planned to be relocated. We'll revise the map on the program handout once we receive confirmation of the new location.
    • I prepared a contact spreadsheet for the BER volunteers who stepped forward to help with outreach for the glove recycling program. It lists departments with $2,000 or more in nitrile glove purchases for the first three quarters of fiscal year 2017-2018. I sent it to the volunteers, along with instructions for them to look up contact names, emails, and phone numbers for the departments. Once the trailer map is revised, we'll ask them to start calling and emailing the departments. I attach the list so you can see it. I updated the iCAP portal with the information that the volunteers will assist with outreach. 
    • I viewed a CURC webinar on bin infrastructure and forwarded slides and notes to Morgan.

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  12. Waste data from FY17

    Associated Project(s): 

    Following is the waste data for FY17:

    Landfilled - 5,303.34 tons
    Recycled - 1,924.28 tons
    Recycling Breakdown
    Paper - 533.35 tons
    OCC - 597.19 tons
    Plastic - 43.89 tons 
    Metals - 749.85 tons                   

  13. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Here is a summary of zero-waste activity from this past week: 

    • I completed a draft Architecture Review Committee proposal for replacing trash bins with dual bins in the core campus area. It is with Morgan for her comments.
    • The BER student volunteers have been in touch. Two of them are available over the summer to review the OBFS/Purchasing report of departments that purchase gloves. They will use the campus directory to identify initial contact people in the departments so that they and/or other volunteers can reach out to departments that are not yet participating in the glove recycling program. I will prepare the report for their use by deleting departments that are already participating and those that purchase only small amounts of gloves (under $2,000 for the year covered by the report). 
    • I emailed Joe Pickowitz to see if the vendors have provided parts for the EPS densifier yet. He was also making inquiries about obtaining throughput data for the machine. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  14. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero-waste activities this week were 

    • An update to the glove recycling page to post a PDF with instructions for participants to drop off gloves at the trailer at PPSB
    • Brief communication with Joe Pickowitz regarding the styrofoam densifier (he is waiting for parts for it so that he can collect performance data on it) 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  15. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Last week’s zero waste activities were 

    • A call with Morgan to move the glove recycling materials along. I followed up with revisions to some of the graphics we are using.
    • Morgan and I also discussed a write-up I am working on for the Architecture Review Committee regarding the replacement of the outdoor concrete trash bins with dual trash-and-recycling bins. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  16. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero-waste activity this past week was as follows: 

    • I emailed the BER volunteers who had contacted Morgan over the winter to let them know that we can use their help with promoting the glove recycling program to nonparticipating departments. In March, I obtained a report from Jeremiah Yokley at OBFS listing all the UIUC departments that have purchased nitrile gloves. Morgan and I want to enlist the student volunteers' help in looking up a contact person in each department in the report and then doing some outreach to those that are not yet participating. I emailed them Thursday to see if any of them will be available over the summer or whether the effort will have to wait until next fall. 
    • I posted a privately viewed update on the iCAP Portal Glove Recycling page with Jeremiah's name and email address and a description of the report he provided.
    • I added a graphic to the glove recycling participation web form for Morgan's review.
    • I added the Natural History Survey to the iCAP Portal as a glove recycling participation location. 
    • I updated and sent Morgan a spreadsheet with the numbers of outdoor bins that I mapped last summer and fall (with a substantial head start on the Quad area, thanks to Ryan and Brent!). I added the numbers of bins that Fangxing recommended be replaced.
    • I pulled cost information on bin replacement from an email from Ryan and set it up in a spreadsheet. I have an email out to Morgan for further information to plug in. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator
