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Projects Updates for place: Waste Transfer Station

  1. Outfitting main quads with 3-bins

    Associated Project(s): 

    Members of the Zero Waste Team analyzed the main buildings in each of the three central quads. Locations of current 3-bins were noted as well as areas where more were needed. The plan is to transition away from single flow trash and recycling bins towards a system where only 3-bins are used in main hallways. This will ensure that there are well marked bins in highly visible areas and will condense the many bins that need to be serviced by university workers into fewer overall bins. Overall this initiative will lead to improved waste management efficiency and increased recycling rates across the campus.

    Attached Files: 
  2. 05/13/24 Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    We are using the blue bags in all the buildings. That is the expectation but it is possible a few here and there use black bags in containers as we had some complaints on the size didn’t fit.  


    Mark Kuehl


    Hi Mark,

    Do you know what the status of the colored bag transition is across the residence halls? E.g., how many have transitioned so far?

    Thank you,

  3. AI characterization project update

    Hi Nishant!

    I wanted to reach out to see if you had any updates regarding the AI characterization project – congrats on receiving more funding from SSC for it! Please let us know if we can assist with this project in any way.

    Thank you,





    Thanks Daphne.

    I don’t have a major update as of now. I’ve a new student who will start looking at this issue. Maybe sometime in April or May, I’ll organize a meeting for us to make a plan to get started.



    Nishant Garg


  4. SSC Project: Greening the Garage

    Hi Lisa,


    As discussed during the SSC F&S feasibility meeting, I wanted to send over to you the product that we are requesting funding for. Based on this, are there any concerns?


    Thank you,



    Hi Daphne,


    Thank you for sending me the cut sheet for the oil filter crusher.


    I don’t see any code requirements above and beyond what is already being done at the garage for oil filter disposal.  I have no concerns, and neither does Mike Brown in Code Compliance and Fire Safety.


    It is my opinion that this project is feasible, no changes needed.


    Thank you,



    Thank you, Lisa! We appreciate you taking the time to thoroughly review this piece of equipment.


    In a seperate email thread Daphne sent the message below and the attached file:


    Hi Lisa & Morgan,


    Shawn & I are submitting a SSC funding request for a piece of equipment at the garage that would allow us to crush and recycle metal oil filters. We go through about 1500 oil filters a year, and they are currently landfilled.


    Thank you,


