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Projects Updates for place: Waste Transfer Station

  1. Daily Illini Article: How can students support waste management on campus?

    How can students support waste management on campus?

    By Lily Perez, Contributing Writer

    Have you ever placed something in a recycling bin and wondered what happens next? Does it actually get recycled, or does it just get tossed in the landfill without ever being sorted out?

    Students said it can be hard to be committed to sustainability when resources to do so are not always clear.

    Adeline Hoegberg, junior in FAA, said she does not have a lot of knowledge about where the trash on campus is taken or how big of a difference the University is making with their waste management systems.

    “I’ve heard that all of the recycling would just end up in the normal trash,” Hoegberg said.

    The Waste Transfer Station in Champaign filters out around 30% of the trash that comes in, but still sends around 50 pounds to the landfill each day. This is not taking into account busier times like holidays and move-in days for students.

    The Waste Transfer Station is located just off of St. Mary’s Road in Champaign and takes in trash from all various places on campus. This includes instructional facilities, University Housing, Illini Union and the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics.

    Daphne Hulse works as the Facilities & Services zero waste coordinator, a new position focused on decreasing the amount of waste that goes through the University. Hulse works on various outreach projects, including hosting tours of the Waste Transfer Station.

    “These tours are a really unique opportunity to illuminate to the broader campus community what goes on after you put something in the bin,” Hulse said.

    Adam Soper, senior in FAA, recalled seeing several recycling places on campus but, like many other students, hasn’t heard of the Waste Transfer Station on campus.

    “I know all the dorms have dedicated recycling bins,” Soper said. “But I’m not necessarily sure where those get dumped to.”

    Another program that Hulse is facilitating in collaboration with Coca-Cola and the DIA is the “Fighting Illini, Fighting Waste” campaign. This campaign has students volunteer at basketball games to encourage recycling at sporting events. The last zero waste basketball game was March 2 and had 100 volunteers.

    “(We’re) creating that general awareness for sustainability in an audience with not just students but townies, out of state folks and athletic rivals,” Hulse said.

    Despite these programs, it can be hard for students to recycle on campus and even more so on their own where businesses and residencies don’t provide recycling services. Along with a lack of opportunity, some students feel that recycling doesn’t have a huge impact.

    “I’m under the strong feeling that you can’t solely rely on us recycling,” Hoegberg said. “It’s more about the corporations if you really want to fix things.”

    Soper said he would most likely not see discernible difference in a world without recycling.

    “It wouldn’t be a whole lot different because the recycling practices aren’t widespread enough to be making a huge impact on the scale that we’d be able to really see,” Soper said.

    Hulse recognizes that sustainability can seem isolating at times but encourages students to join organizations and communities that bring collective action. She highlighted the RSO Project4Less, whose members package leftover food in good condition and ship it out to food assistance programs in the surrounding area.

    “The human connection component of climate change is so important,” Hulse said. “I think we often feel stuck by ‘what can I do as an individual’ in this global planetary crisis.”

    Aside from joining sustainability-focused communities, Hulse also recommends learning what people can about what’s happening in the community and leading by example.  

    “We know reduce, reuse, recycle. But what about at the start of all of that, refuse,” Hulse said. “What could you refuse in your day-to-day life and start small. For example, I know students really enjoy coffee and many, many, many places around campus will take your reusable cup.”

    Hulse was particularly inspired by her mother who showed her that small habits, like using reusable bags at the grocery store, can make a big change. Hulse encourages students to look for that positive influence around them and wants students to be that influence in their own sustainability journey.

    “A community that is pursuing zero waste imperfectly is far better than a few individuals doing it perfectly,” Hulse said.


  2. Waste Transfer Station Tours

    Associated Project(s): 

    Molly Black, lab manager at Bevier

    Student group coordinated by Laney Nielsen

    Civil & Environmental Engineering 538: Water Control Process II class, led by research scientist Yalin Li

    Student Sustainability Committee group, led by Hongxu Lu

  3. 28 bin order arrived

    Associated Project(s): 

    On Friday, February 17, the bin order from MAX-R arrived at the Waste Transfer Station. 20 26-gallon bins (standard size) and 8 18-gallon (slim) bins arrived.

  4. Undergraduate Library rehomes 6 3-bins to other facilities on campus

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Undergraduate Library rehomed 6 3-bins at the onset of redevelopment:

    • Armory took 4 (P10E62260 second floor east side right out of the elevator, P10E62264 third floor southside center outside restroom, P10E62261 third floor northside center outside of restroom, P10E62265 in landing area in front of Room 232 under glassed bulletin board).
    • Mechanical Engineering Laboratory took 2 (P10E62262 and P10E62263 on first and second floors).
  5. Athletics Waste Tracking

    Associated Project(s): 

    Below is an email from Daphne regarding waste/energy tracking at Athletics.

    Hi Jen,


    Yes! I’m attaching the spreadsheet used to generate the graph, as well as the spreadsheets containing the raw data. I’m cc’ing Shreya in this conversation as she has contributed the most to visualizing the waste and recycling data.


    For background: Looking at the raw data you will notice that it is separated between frontload and rolloff/swingpan – these are the 3 types of outdoor receptacles we use for landfill and recycling collection (frontload being smallest, swingpan being a little bigger, and rolloff being largest size). They are separated because their collection process is different. Then, we must bring all the data together for metrics like a diversion rate.


    Frontload receptacles are lifted, and their contents are dumped into a truck. The frontload receptacle is left in place after, so trucks go around and pick up multiple buildings’ worth of frontload waste (like neighborhood trash trucks). For this reason, we don’t have a perfect understanding of how much waste individually comes from buildings with these receptacles (though the technology does exist for us to eventually understand this better).


    Rolloff receptacles are rolled directly onto and off the truck. Some rolloffs have a compactor built within them (State Farm Center, for example). The receptacle is then taken to the Waste Transfer Station, weighed, dumped, and then taken back to its original location.


    Swingpan receptacles function just the same as rolloff, the only difference is the smaller size of the receptacle.


    I’m attaching a single slide that visualizes the receptacle and accompanying truck, as this is what helped bring it together for me. All three types of receptacles are used for both landfill and recycling collection, it’s just a matter of how much space is outside any given building for a truck to navigate through + how much waste/recycling is expected to be produced from a given building which ultimately determines the type of outdoor receptacle used.


    Please let me know if you have any questions!


    Thank you,




  6. Zero Waste iCAP Meeting 11/7/2022

    On November 7th, the Zero Waste iCAP team met to discuss DIA sustainability initiatives with Tim Knox and made edits on the Project 4 Less expansion recommendation to be submitted in the coming month(s). 

    Meeting minutes are attached.

  7. Reasons for Recycling Rate Decrease

    Associated Project(s): 

    The reasons for the putative decrease in recycling rate include the increase in plastic production, flat change in recycling capacity, and China no longer accepting our recyclables. A Time magazine article further suggests that the estimated 9% recycling rate from 2018 was inflated because most of the plastic we sent to China was landfilled or incinerated. Another interesting point: an estimated 30-36% of collected PET is wasted in the recycling process.


    The original report can be accessed here: . Table 2 provides estimates and sources.
