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Projects Updates for place: I Hotel and Conference Center
- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Solar array on I-Hotel is producing
Associated Project(s):Housing stopped recycling gloves
Associated Project(s):RightCycle End of Year 2018 metrics
Associated Project(s):Glove Recycling - Program Changes
Associated Project(s):Weekly Updates for Zero Waste
Associated Project(s):Recontacted BER Volunteers
Associated Project(s):Working with Division of Research Safety on Glove Recycling Safety
Associated Project(s):New Trailer Location Map Sent to Participating Departments - August 2018
Associated Project(s):How to empty the trailer
Associated Project(s):Added Glove Recycling Locations to Project Locations Map
Associated Project(s):La Casa Cultural Latina to Participate in Glove Recycling
Associated Project(s):Webform Now Available for Glove Recycling Participation Sign-Up
Associated Project(s):Updated Glove Drop-off Site
Associated Project(s):BER Volunteers Identified Department Contacts for Outreach
Associated Project(s):BER Volunteers to Assist with Outreach to Departments
Associated Project(s):Added Glove Drop-off Instructions Flier to Related Files - May 14, 2018
Associated Project(s):Added Illinois Natural History Survey as a Participating Location for the Glove Recycling Program - May 6, 2018
Associated Project(s):Recycled Glove Quantities Reported by Kimberly-Clark
Associated Project(s):Added Krannert Art Museum as a Participating Location
Associated Project(s):