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Projects Updates for place: Education Building

  1. Bike parking added

    Associated Project(s): 

    BIKE RACK REPLACEMENTS: The replacement of 344 broken/unusable campus bike racks at the College of Education, Loomis Laboratory, Main Library, Mechanical Engineering Building, and Smith Memorial Hall was completed. Bike racks at David Kinley Hall and the Psychology Building will also be replaced in coordination with construction taking place at those locations. 


  2. Printing and Photographic Services Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 862 T-12 fixtures in the Printing and Photographic Services Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 151,916 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.15 years.

  3. Agriculture Bioprocess Lab

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 436 T-12 fixtures in the Agriculture Bioprocess Lab were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 68,289 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.62 years.

  4. Letter to SSC

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Student Sustainability Committee,   As the new Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Coordinator in Facilities & Services, I am writing to introduce myself to the Committee and provide you with an update on the Bicycle Parking Upgrade project, which I have taken over as part of my new role. We have been transitioning the role of TDM Coordinator from Morgan Johnston to me since June, and she has been working to bring me up to speed on the large number of transportation infrastructure projects happening across campus, including bicycle parking upgrades. While we have made progress toward the completion of this project, we are requesting an additional extension to finish the work.   In addition to the delay from the staff transition period, we have taken some time to evaluate our various options to ensure that the upgraded racks provide the long-term solution that was intended by SSC’s funding award. One of the primary challenges with this project is that many of the bike parking locations selected for this project are in need of concrete or pavement upgrades; however, funding is not in the TDM budget to pay for these upgrades. One location, the Art & Design Building, has been completed so far with financial support from the Art & Design Department to re-lay new concrete at that site.  For the majority of the other locations, however, there is no funding available from the departments to repair or replace the cracked and degraded concrete.  This has made us hesitant to install new bicycle racks onto pavement that will need to be replaced in a matter of years.   As a more permanent solution, we are looking at a few alternative configurations of bike racks.  All those we are considering are moveable and can easily be relocated – whether to upgrade the pavement beneath them, to accommodate a construction project, or to permanently relocate a building’s bicycle parking to a more optimal location over time.  We are looking at rack units which can be purchased and also a rack where 5 U-loops would be installed on rails, rather than directly cemented into the ground. While the initial cost of constructing the loops on rails is higher, it is a much more sustainable approach to bike parking given the challenges at these locations, and it is more affordable than replacing the pavement at each location. A rack unit can also be placed on permeable pavement, or even in a gravel/grass location temporarily as needed.  The lifespan of a bike rack unit is significantly higher, and offers much greater flexibility for placement and upkeep of the racks and surrounding landscape. Due to a potential increased initial cost of the racks on rails configuration (if this is what is determined to be the approved configuration), I may be requesting approval to change the scope of the project.  A change of scope is necessary because fewer total bike parking loops may be possible when on racks. Once we have identified a configuration that meets the best need of the users, we will be ready to proceed with the project and do not expect any further delays, but getting to this point has taken longer than originally expected. We anticipate being finished with the installation of these racks before the beginning of the fall semester 2014. Please let me know whether this change in the scope of the project is acceptable to the SSC.  I will keep you informed on the status and look forward to working with you on the best solution for our campus. Facilities & Services is incredibly grateful to the SSC for your ongoing support for sustainable transportation initiatives on campus, and we look forward to continuing to work with you to make the campus more bike-able, walkable, and transit-friendly. If you would like more detail, please contact me.   Thank you,   Stacey DeLorenzo Design Review Coordinator Transportation Demand Management Coordinator University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Facilities Services Office: 217-300-1750 Cell: 217-722-4992        

  5. bike parking review meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    Stacey DeLorenzo, Amelia Neptune, Morgan Johnston, and Noel Grove met to review the bike parking estimates for this project.  There are a few locations where the pavement is in terrible condition, so we discussed options for handling those locations.  The racks could be installed on rails, or the pavement could be replaced.  There were also a few locations where there are conflicting major projects occuring in the near future.  Stacey will talk to the project managers for those sites to work through the solutions for the bike parking installation.

    Additionally, this project includes the installation of one bike fix-it station at Allen Hall.  Amelia began this work and Stacey will take it over now.  Stacey and Amelia will meet with Sean Sullivan in the SSC to provide him with an update.  Noel Grove will provide cost break downs with the pavement work separate from the bike rack installation work.  He will also contact the Iron Workers to discuss options for racks on rails built in-house.

  6. Bike fix-it station update

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Neptune, Amelia
    Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 12:27 PM
    To: Ortiz, Benita Vonne
    Cc: Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: Bicycle Repair Station outside of Allen Hall

    Hi Vonne,

    As you may recall, earlier in the school year we had discussed that there is some funding for a new bicycle repair station near Allen Hall/CRCE. The original location we proposed near Gregory Drive in front of CRCE was rejected by the Architecture Review Committee, and they have proposed a better location near the bike parking area in front of Allen Hall. I would like to get your OK on this location before we move forward.

    The first attached PDF shows the location proposed by the Architecture Review Committee. As you’ll see in the photos on pages 2 and 3, it is on existing pavement, close to the bike parking, but not blocking a walkway, which I think is ideal.

    The second PDF shows the specifications of the newly designed repair stations so you know what it would look like. The new design is much smaller and (in my opinion) more attractive than the existing repair stations we have elsewhere on campus. The blue color of the existing stations is no longer available, so our plan is to match the color of the adjacent bike parking, in this case black.

    Please let me know if Housing has any objections to this location, or would like to meet there in person to discuss it further. Once I have your approval, we’ll move forward placing the order and installing this summer.  Please let me know if there are any questions.

    Thank you,



    Amelia Neptune

    Campus Bicycle Coordinator

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    1501 S. Oak, Champaign, IL 61820


  7. Art and Design bike racks funded

    Associated Project(s): 

    To Davie Akins, Please proceed with the bike parking upgrade on the west side of Art and Design, per the previous discussions we have had.  The SSC funding will contribute $11,849.50 from CFOP: 1-629514-814006-xxxxxx-191200-814BIK. - from Morgan Johnston

  8. Animal Sciences A/C Center

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 50 T-12 fixtures in the Animal Sciences A/C Center were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 7,884  hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  9. University Press

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 488 T-12 fixtures in the University Press Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 76,948 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.64 years.

  10. Transportation Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 547 T-12 fixtures in the Transportation Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 86,251 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  11. Temple Hoyne Buell Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 471 T-12 fixtures in Temple Hoyne Buell Hall were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 74,267 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  12. Speech and Hearing Clinic

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 47- T-12 fixtures in the Speech and Hearing Clinic were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 74,110 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.08 years.

  13. Shelford Vivarium Greenhouse

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 335 T-12 fixtures in the Shelford Vivarium Greenhouse were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 52,823 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.53 years.

  14. Personnel Services Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 433 T-12 fixtures in the Personnel Services Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 68,275 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.2 years.

  15. Nuclear Physics Lab

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 415 T-12 fixtures in the Nuclear Physics Lab were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 65,437 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.
