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Projects Updates for place: Phillips Tract Research Area

  1. Land and Water iCAP Meeting 10/4/2022

    On October 4th, the Land and Water iCAP team met to make final edits on the Campus Sustainability Celebration slides, review the Campus Landscape Master Plan, and discuss regenerative agriculture research on the South Farms.

    Meeting minutes are attached.

    Attached Files: 
  2. SSC Semesterly Report: Identifying the Campus Benefits of a Large-Scale Prairie Experiment

    SSC received semester report for Fall 2021 for Identifying the Campus Benefits of a Large-Scale Prairie Experiment project on 1/23/2022. Please see attached. 

  3. SSC Semesterly Report: Identifying the Campus Benefits of a Large-Scale Prairie Experiment

    SSC received a semesterly report for Spring 2021 for the Benefits of a Large-Scale Prairie Experiment project on 9/9/2021. Please see attached.