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Projects Updates for place: Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC)

  1. 28 bin order arrived

    Associated Project(s): 

    On Friday, February 17, the bin order from MAX-R arrived at the Waste Transfer Station. 20 26-gallon bins (standard size) and 8 18-gallon (slim) bins arrived.

  2. Undergraduate Library rehomes 6 3-bins to other facilities on campus

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Undergraduate Library rehomed 6 3-bins at the onset of redevelopment:

    • Armory took 4 (P10E62260 second floor east side right out of the elevator, P10E62264 third floor southside center outside restroom, P10E62261 third floor northside center outside of restroom, P10E62265 in landing area in front of Room 232 under glassed bulletin board).
    • Mechanical Engineering Laboratory took 2 (P10E62262 and P10E62263 on first and second floors).
  3. Solar Urbana-Champaign

    From: Marta Monti <>
    Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2022 4:34 PM
    To: White, Morgan <mbwhite at>
    Subject: Solar Urbana-Champaign is back!


    Alternate text



    Solar Urbana Champaign is back for 2022


    2022 marks the seventh year for the Solar Urbana Champaign program. Since 2016, this non-profit-led program has educated 1,292 people about their solar opportunities with our Solar Power Hours presentations, and of those folks, 242 properties decided to go solar.


    In partnership with our competitively-selected installer, GRNE Solar, and with support from the Citizens Utility Board (CUB), the City of Urbana, and our growing partners, we're excited to help central Illinois residents go solar and save on their energy costs!   



    Find us online:





    First Benchmark Reached!


    Our group buy program uses the power of bulk purchasing to create an economy of scale: the more people who participate, the larger the savings become! This year's program has already passed the first 50 kilowatt benchmark, meaning that participants can look forward to additional savings. Join today and share with friends so we can achieve lower costs for everyone!


    Please help spread the word:


    Please share the program website or this email with your friends and neighbors or post it on your social media pages.


    Remember: the more people that go solar through the Solar Urbana Champaign program, the lower the cost for all!





    Pull out your yard sign, it's Grow Solar season!


    Not sure where it went? No worries, it's been a while. Let us know where to drop it off and we will get you a new one. 




    Share this schedule with a friend and invite them to start their solar journey with you!


    8/11, Thursday: Solar Power Hour, 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Papa Del’s Pizza Factory, 1201 S Neil St, Champaign, IL

    8/17, Wednesday: Solar Power Hour, 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Danville Public Library, 319 N Vermilion St, Danville, IL

    8/26, Friday: Solar Power Hour, 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Big Thorn Farm & Brewery, 14274 600 North Rd, Georgetown, IL – co-hosted by Big Thorn Farm & Brewery

    8/31, Wednesday: Solar Power Hour, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on Zoom (click to register)







    Throughout the program, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know. I can be reached at


    Marta Monti

    MREA Solar Program Manager

    Midwest Renewable Energy Assn (MREA) 



    The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration. To learn more about our work, visit



  4. Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Contact

    From: Prasad, Sarthak <sprasad9 at>
    To: Brinkworth, Jessica F <jfbrinkw at>
    Cc: White, Morgan <mbwhite at>
    Subject: Plastic to fuel: Sriraam Chandrasekaran at ISTC


    Hi Jessica,


    Sriraam Chandrasekaran (schandr at works at Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) and his research is in plastic to fuel. Here is his profile:


    I think he would be a good resource. Thank you,


    Sarthak Prasad

    Sustainable Transportation Assistant

    Facilities & Services

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Phone: 217-300-9575


  5. update on indoor bin count

    Associated Project(s): 

    Just wanted to provide a wonderful update on Indoor bins for the iCAP portal: The campus has 180 out of 200 available multi stream bins deployed in 56 different campus buildings. According to the iCAP metric, we are 1/3 of the way to our FY24 goal. ~Sydney Trimble

  6. Master List of All Buildings With the 3-Bin Containers Updated

    Associated Project(s): 

    The master list for indoor 3-bin containers has been updated. This list includes all 3-bin station deployments, with information regarding the building, floor, and P-Tag associated with each individual bin. If applicable, additional information regarding their location is provided as well.

    See the attached file to review the updated master list for the 3-bin containers.

  7. iCAP Indoor Bins Metric Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Morgan!


    Just wanted to provide a wonderful update on Indoor bins for the iCAP portal: The campus has 180 out of 200 available multi stream bins deployed in 56 different campus buildings. According to the iCAP metric, we are 1/3 of the way to our FY24 goal.


    In the future, I think the iCAP team should consider changing the metric from number of buildings to number of deployed bins because not all campus buildings would be applicable for these bins. Especially if the buildings are offices, residential, or extension related. Orchard Downs and


    I also went ahead and updated the bin location master list that came with the project so your team can upload it. It was outdated and I have upgraded the layout of the list so it is easier to find information.


    Best regards,


    Syd Trimble

    F&S Waste Management Intern | Skype: (217) 333-1128

    Garage & Carpool, Office D-3

    In Office primarily Monday, Tuesday, Thursday afternoons

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Environmental Sciences - 2022



  8. SSC Semesterly Report: Diversion of Non-Recycable Plastics Using Pyrolysis Process Fuels for Campus

    SSC received semesterly report for Fall 2021 for Diversion of Non-Recycable Plastics Using Pyrolysis Process Fuels for Campus on 12/29/21. Please see attached. 

  9. SSC Semesterly: Diversion of Non-Recyclable Plastic using Pyrolysis Process to Produce Fuels for Camps

    SSC received semester report for Spring 2021 for Diversion of Non-Recyclable Plastic using Pyrolysis Process to Produce Fuels for Camps project on 9/3/2021. Please see attached. 

  10. Request for New Project Tabs

    Assistant Director of Student Sustainability, Samuel Yoo reached out to Sarthak Prasad for guidance with iCAP Portal projects. Specifically, Yoo was unable to find existing projects for the following:

    - Diversion of Non-Recyclable Plastic using Pyrolysis Process to Produce Fuels for Campus

    - Preventing Window-strike Bird Fatalities with Energy Efficient Window Decals 

    - Valorized Archived Soils and Long-Term Carbon Budgets

    Sarthak replied explaining that new project tabs will be created for the first two projects and the last project fits under the "Monitor Soil Health" project.


  11. Archived Info - Previous Project Description

    Dart Container at 1505 E. Main St., Urbana, accepts expanded polystyrene (EPS), more commonly known by its brand name Styrofoam, for recycling. Departments are encouraged to take EPS there to recycle this bulky material. By doing so, we can reduce the volume of waste sent from campus to landfills and avoid the harmful environmental impacts of that practice. There is no charge to drop off EPS at Dart for recycling.

    There is currently no central funding source to pay for transportation of EPS to Dart, so departments need to arrange transport independently.

    The drop-off location is in a fenced-in area of the Dart parking lot and may be accessed 24 hours a day. Dart accepts foam packaging (except for packaging peanuts), foam cups, foam egg cartons, foam meat trays, foam ice chests, and other foam products that fall within these guidelines:

    • Make sure foam has the #6 chasing arrows symbol on it.
    • Deposit foam in a clear or translucent bag (large bags are provided at the drop-off site).
    • Rinse or wipe foodservice containers free from food.
    • Remove straws, lids, tape or any other non-foam material.
    • Do not include foam-packaging peanuts.

    From fall 2015 until summer 2017, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) ran the Styrecycle program in partnership with Community Resource Inc. (CRI). Ownership of CRI changed in July 2017, and the new owner was not able to continue the program.
