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Projects Updates for place: Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC)
edits needed to CAM policy on polystyrene products
Associated Project(s):Nitrile Glove recycling status update
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:IGOC postponed
Associated Project(s):Storage Container has arrived for the Glove Recycling Program
Associated Project(s):Award Letter and Report - Styrofoam Densifier
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Award Letter - Styrofoam Densifier
FW - SSC Phase 1 - Styrofoam Recycling.xlsx
FW - SSC Step 2 - Styrofoam Densifier - Quote.pdf
FW - SSC Step 2 - Styrofoam Densifier - Support Letter 1.pdf
FW - SSC Step 2 - Styrofoam Densifier - Support Letter 2.pdf
FW - SSC Step 2 - Styrofoam Densifier.xlsx
Community Resources Inc interested in partnering with iSEE
Associated Project(s):Dining ships another gaylord full of gloves
Associated Project(s):procurement webinar
Associated Project(s):Challenge is Open
Associated Project(s):update from Shantanu
Associated Project(s):Nitrile Glove Recycling at Ikenberry Commons
Associated Project(s):Bike rack made from recycled gloves on display at ISTC
Associated Project(s):Nitrile Glove Recycling
Shantanu is adding two Lab buildings for glove recycling
Associated Project(s):Update from Shantanu Pai
Associated Project(s):Consortium meeting
Associated Project(s):Inquiry from Wisconsin
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Assist lab store managers with glove recycling
Associated Project(s):Open Geothermal at ISTC Project Funding Agreement