Freezer Challenge 2019 Register and Participate
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We Won 1st place internationally in the Institutional category for last year’s efforts!
My Green Labs and I2SL hosted the 2018 International Freezer Challenge see category winners here
Place Photo here
Worldwide recognition published through these media outlets:
Lab Manager Magazine, Cold Storage March 2019
Published article with participants quoted for expert advice here
Nature Magazine feature published in Oct. 2018 (see attached PDF)
S-Labs highlights our achievements in their short-listed profiles here (PDF of short list attached)
ISEE and Facilities & Services published news releases U of I Wins Freezer Challenge & 2018 International Freezer Challenge Champions
Highlights from lab efforts in 2018
Achievements from researchers in the 2018 competition! |
# of labs submitted score sheets |
45 |
# of freezers/ refrigerators impacted |
323 |
# of units defrosted and/or cleaned coils |
198 |
# of units retired due to no longer needed |
16 |
# of units replaced with a more efficient model |
9 |
# of units that were cleaned out and/or removed samples |
162 |
# of units where you updated or created new inventories |
143 |
# of samples moved from colder to warmer storage |
14065 |
# of units created a searchable digital inventory |
100 |
# of units containing a Barcoded inventory |
27 |
# of units shared among research groups |
103 |
# of researchers that registered labs |
60 |
# of individual labs registered |
58 |
Goal for this year is to DOUBLE last year’s participation of 45 labs in 17 buildings and energy reduction, which totaled an estimated 720 kWh/day from October 2017 through June 2018. The annual total of 262,800 kWh of electricity saved during the competition is the approximate equivalent of the yearly energy used by 25 typical U.S. homes.
We can repeat the WIN; so far, the CDC is the only group to win twice in their division.
Join us
Thank you
Paul Foote
Think Globally- Act Locally
Here is the Lab Manager article that quotes many folks from UIUC:
The final report submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee for the Freezer Challenge project. UIUC took first place in the 2018 International Laboratory Freezer Challenge Academic Organization category.
Hello everyone, The International Freezer Challenge is in full swing thru April 30th. Help the University of Illinois compete while receiving recognition, and a certificate of leadership in Environmental Stewardship.
Registering to participate in the Freezer Challenge is a fun way to stay up-to-date with the latest in sample management, receive recognition for your efforts, and have fun while helping the University of Illinois maintain our world-class standing.
Take 20 sec's Register today!
All lab practices since May 2017 are eligible for points and can be added to your score card.
Benefits Webinars, Best Practices and Resources
Increasing grant eligibility is another benefit according to How going green can raise cash for your lab a Nature International Journal of Science article, this quote shares an interesting perspective; Ramirez-Aguilar argues that implementing energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable lab practices can be a smart way for researchers to make their grants stand out. It might seem a small detail, but having such procedures in place could make all the difference to the success of your application. “If it makes your proposal look better,” she says, “you’re more likely to get funding.”
For more information contact Paul Foote @ F&S Energy Services
In July 2017, the vendor with whom the UIUC campus had partnered for EPS recycling was purchased by another vendor that was not able to continue the partnership. Central funding for transporting EPS to drop-off locations ended. Departments that had been participating in the Styrecycle program will be notified of the changed circumstances and will be encouraged to arrange their own transporation of EPS to the drop-off location at Dart Container, 1505 E. Main St., Urbana. There is no charge to drop off EPS at Dart. F&S is exploring options to provide an EPS recycling location on campus.
The following content was replaced with new program information on Oct. 15, 2017:
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) now recycles expanded polystyrene (EPS), more commonly known by its brand name Styrofoam. By recycling this bulky material, we can reduce the volume of waste sent from campus to landfills and avoid the harmful environmental impacts of that practice.
The Styrecycle program was started in Fall 2015 and partnered with Community Resource Inc. (CRI) to bring EPS recycling to the UIUC campus. Our program can help you do your part to reduce the volume of waste campus sends to landfill — waste which will never biodegrade.
To find out more about Styrecycle, you can visit our website at:
Or Like us on our Facebook page:
the densifier was picked up from the off-campus location at Midwest Fiber on Friday (September 22, 2017) and is currently in storage at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC)
STYRECYCLE: During the spring 2017 semester, student volunteers collected more than 500 pounds of expanded polystyrene for recycling — bringing their total collected to nearly 900 pounds. In addition, this program is saying goodbye to a founding member and longtime leader. Thank you to Marco Tijoe for your two years of steering the ship!
U of I Campus Labs Encouraged to Join Freezer Challenge |
Minutes from the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam on May 9, 2016. The meeting covered several topics, and was the last meeting with Bart Bartels in attendance. F&S will talk with iSEE to consider edits to this policy, to incorporate reference to the new Styrecycle program.
see attached report
The primary deliverable of this proposed project is to provide a detailed waste characterization assessment for three facilities located throughout the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois. Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls (LAR), Business Instructional Facility (BIF), Roger Adams Laboratory(RAL) are facilities that will be characterized.
This proposal builds upon the initial waste characterizations conducted in the Spring of 2013 for four buildings: Henry Administration Building, Alice Campbell Alumni Center, Swanlund Administration Building, and Illini Union Bookstore.
The objective of the assessments is to characterize the waste generated from a Lab building, a classroom building and a housing building. The primary goal of the waste stream characterization study is to provide UIUC with an accurate and precise baseline measurement of the solid waste generated at each facility type. ISTC will assist F&S in identifying and implementing practices and technologies that will reduce waste, increase landfill diversion, increase recycling revenues, and decrease waste disposal costs. These efforts will help UIUC to become an example of a sustainable campus, and will provide new learning and teaching opportunities for the university and community at large. The ancillary deliverables are various direct educational programing opportunities both structured as well as passive.
This project is intended to permanently set up styrofoam (expanded polystyrene, or EPS) recycling on the UIUC campus for the first time. This project aims to emulate a very successful program at the University of Wisconsin at Madison; some funding has already been secured for student support and supplies from UW as part of an EPA grant that students and postdocs there have received. The key difference between UIUC and UW is that UW had the benefit of a local styrofoam recycler, and UIUC does not have that benefit: the closest recycler is in Indianapolis and the cost of transporting undensified EPS is too high for this to be viable. This project will establish a partnership with Community Resource, Inc. in Urbana, who have agreed to handle all of the logistics of picking up styrofoam from large containers (“gaylords”) in campus buildings, transporting it to their site, feeding it into a machine called a “densifier”, and selling the densified material to a company in Chicago. Community Resource, Inc. will in return pay back a portion of the proceeds from the sales in order to support student interns on campus who will promote and support the program. The goal of this project is to establish a self-supporting program that will ultimately capture most of the styrofoam waste from our campus and recycle it, while supporting student interns to oversee and continually improve the program.
On 12/03/2014 03:06 PM, Bartels, Bart A wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I just concluded a conversation with Matt Snyder of Community Resource Inc (CRI). He is very interested in housing a densifier. I am going to set up a meeting with him to work out the details and get pricing. This is going to be the proposal based on his interests and our needs:
Participating buildings will have a Gaylord on the dock for EPS dropoff. CRI will pick up the gaylords and take the material to their facility, where the densifier or compactor will be housed. Matt will take care of paying the labor for pick-ups, processing, and sales. He will be paid out of the sales revenue with part of the revenue coming back to us. The money coming back will pay for interns that will facility more EPS collection. The meeting will determine responsibilities and how the revenue will be divided.
I am hopeful that we can work out acceptable terms. Matt wants to make this work. He said he shipped out a truck load of EPS this morning, even though it didn’t make sense. I will let you know when the meeting is to take place.