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Projects Updates for Campus Bike Center
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- This form will search for any of the words you enter in a field, not the exact phrase you enter. If you would like to search for an exact phrase, put double quotes (") around the phrase. For example, if you search for Bike Path you will get results containing either the word Bike OR the word Path, but if you search for "Bike Path" you will get results containing the exact phrase Bike Path.
- Associated Project(s):
Weekly Update: Abandoned bicycles, new staff
Associated Project(s):Unclaimed abandoned bicycles donated to the Campus Bike Center
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Busy times, Light the Night, abandoned bikes
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Bike to Work Day, Light the Night
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: very busy week
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Students are back, Illini Frenzy
Associated Project(s):Weekly Udpate: Interviews for CBC
Associated Project(s):Monthly Meeting with Jake
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Calm before the storm, getting ready
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Less abandoned bikes, Kids' Bikes
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Abandoned Bikes, potential new hire
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: e-bike questions
Associated Project(s):Meeting with Jake
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Bike Repair Stations, Parade for 4th of July
Associated Project(s):Weekly update: Donations, Illini4K
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Emptying the Round Barn, New staffers
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Updated hours, Moving bikes
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Bike donations, Updated working hours
Associated Project(s):