Bike Cage at BIF
There is a Bike Cage at the Business Instructional Facility.
There is a Bike Cage at the Business Instructional Facility.
A temporary bike rack (4-looper) was installed in the Bike Cage at ECE on July 25, 2022! A 3-loop and 2-loop bike rack will be purchased in FY23 for ECE. When the new bike racks arrive, the 4-looper will be replaced with the 3- and 2-looper.
The iCAP Working Group met and discussed the following agenda items. Meeting notes are attached.
1. Brief iCAP Portal overview by Morgan
2. Discuss any updates to Water002, Cooling Tower Increase COC
3. Discuss Trans008, Bike Parking in Ramps
4. Discuss updates to Econs004, Green Labs Coordinator
5. Consider issues with recommendation process and view recommendation tracker
Summary: This meeting served to update and refocus the team, as well as to further discuss Lily Wilcox’s suggestion for her bike-cage recommendation.
In attendance:
Josh Feldman
Morgan Johnston
Brian Farber
Pete Varney
Lily Wilcox - Active Transportation Coordinator
Topics Covered:
New IWG chair – Ximing Cai
Meeting Minutes 12-02-16
- Lily Wilcox proposes new recommendation to build bike parking cages in new parking decks. Proposal was submitted to iCap Working Group
Katie, I have not forgotten about this. I am working on tracking down the “master plan” so to say for the existing parking decks. Several are in need of repair & we are looking at what to do in the long run. There is a feasibility study that will take place over the next year or so to determine what to do. I am still looking into covered parking in the unused corners of parking garage spaces, but I want to wisely invest the $ into something that will last for a long time. Thank you for your feedback and patience. From: Johnston, Morgan B