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Projects Updates for Energy Dashboard Project

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  1. Sustainability Fellow, Madhu Viswanathan, begins advisory position

    • Since we want to put the energy displays around campus, Madhu Viswanathan can help us identify the best method for implementing these to change behavior. 
    • We need to determine how many displays to install, where they should go, what information should be on them. 
    • How can we use this system that F&S now has through your office to actually improve energy use behavior. 
    • We would like building users to become more conscious of the energy use in their building(s).
    • What sort of display and style will really grab their attention?
    • Is social media something that we should utilize for this effort?
  2. Building Priorities

    Associated Project(s): 

    The ECI and SSC identified the following list as the building priorities for the metter upgrades.

    1)      Residence Halls: Allen/LAR, FAR/PAR, ISR, SDRP

    2)      Illini Union

    3)      ARC

    4)      CRCE

    5)      Siebel Center

    6)      BIF

    7)      Loomis Lab

    8)      English

    9)      Psychology

  3. InStep Licensing

    Associated Project(s): 

    We received the invoice for the software and license for the Energy Dashboard project through August 31. The next licensing period will be from September 1 through December 31. Beginning January 1, 2013 licensing will be on an annual track. The software for the Energy Dashboard from Instep will cost $40,000, with the discount given to the University. The annual support for the Dashboard will be $6,750.

  4. Metering in Residence Halls

    Associated Project(s): 

    Bryan Johnson, from University Housing's Sustainability Council, has reported that residence halls PAR and FAR have individual metering setup, but Blaisdell Hall's metering is connected to the mechancial room and dining hall. LAR and Allen have individual metering, but the dining hall feeds into both dining halls. Information about metering in Busey-Evans is still needed.

  5. Ikenberry Commons Suggestion

    Associated Project(s): 

    The projects committee in the US Green Building Council student chapter is working on a "Green Your Dorm" project encouraging dorms to save energy and water. The SSC has approved funding to put individual metering in dorms. The USGBC chapter made the suggestion that Ikenberry Commons resdence halls be the first to receive meter upgrades.

  6. Energy Dashboard Presentation at Behavior Change/ Energy Efficiency Conference

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Energy Dashboard Project will be a highlighted project at the Behavior Change/ Energy Efficiency Conference.

    Illinois Energy Dashboard project, collaboration with the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) and the Department of Facilities and Services (F & S).

    This project has been in the works for over a year, with a commitment to provide clearly visible, usable and understandable information to students and staff of chosen University buildings about energy consumption (electrical, chilled water and steam).  We are working with InStep Software, Inc., the University of Illinois vendor for the management and predictive analytics software for energy use on campus.   We are now in Phase One of implementation, the design of the look and content of our public Energy Dashboard site, testing and the public launching of the first version of the Ilini Energy dashboard (Phase two will support the installation of real time meters in about 10 – 12 builings).

    This is one in many of the continuing efforts across campus to pull together and unify the significant educational (and research) efforts of departments and Colleges in reducing negative human impact and enhancing sustainability locally, nationally and globally. 

    This project is intended to have a threefold effect:

    ·         Provide real time information to develop awareness and cultural/behavioral changes in how energy is used (not only in the buildings featured but in all aspects of life).

    ·         Provide information for faculty and students in research.

    ·         Provide details for building staff to better use resources and energy, and make plans for building adaption in ways that may decrease usage over time.

  7. F&S and ECI Responsibilities

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Environmental Change Institute (ECI) and Facilities and Services (F&S) are working in conjunction on the Energy Dashboard with funding from the Student Sustainability Committee. The SSC has set for responsibilities for each group to complete the project.


    The Environmental Change Institute is to coordinate meetings with representatives of major stakeholder groups (ECI, SSC, F&S, etc.) for the purpose of development, communication and clarity concerning the scope of the project, funding expenditures, review of phases, and deliverables; coordinate selection of appropriate building for building metering system upgrades that will be providing real-time data to the dashboard display system, assuming that the connections are technically or technologically feasible; develop content for website, including incorporation of new buildings, with input from stakeholders; coordinate marketing, communications with stakeholders, and progress reports; and compose and develop a final project report with input from F&S and other stakeholders as required.


    Facilities and Services responsibilities are implementing and launching the Energy Dashboard module; providing technical support for metering, direct digital connections and dashboard website; purchasing software and installing that software with funds designated in the SSC award letter; determining data connections, server needs, IITAA compliance issues for website; communicating regularly with ECI concerning implementation issues and progress updates; installing and connecting upgraded building metering systems; and determining technical feasibility of connecting building metering systems to Dashboard and supporting systems.


    The SSC report also included a schedule extension.       

    Attached Files: 
  8. Go-Live Project Date

    Associated Project(s): 

    The energy dashboard for UIUC was launched Monday, December 5, 2011. The site provides data and information to students and staff about selected University building's energy consumption rate.  Real-time energy use for electricity, heating (steam), and cooling (chilled water) are displayed.

  9. Energy Dashboard at BIF

    Associated Project(s): 

    College of Business students have been competing to come up with ideas for how to utilize the Energy Dashboard at the Business Instructional Facility. One of the recommendations they have developed is a real-time energy use display.

  10. Energy Displays and Metering Funding Letter

    This proposal seeks to install web-based display system for campus building energy consumption. The initial system will include information from 25 buildings as well as the Abbott power plant. Data will be available in real-time for buildings that have real-time metering, and monthly for other buildings; utilities included will be steam, chilled water and electricity. This project will also leverage funds from other project partners to make upgrades to building metering systems to provide real-time data for display and campus energy management use. Breakdown of funds is as follows: up to $50,000 for software purchase and install, up to $6750 for software maintenance, and up to $100,000 (this last portion in matching funds) for metering upgrades in initial buildings. Once the program is in place, ECI will work with project partners to arrange to display information on new or existing in-building displays as well as add information from other buildings. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $156,750.
