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Projects Updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG)

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  1. Trans009 PAC recommendation - Assessment started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 10, 2018, to discuss and start the assessment of SWATeam recommendation, Trans009 PAC. The iWG's draft comment on this recommendation was:

    "Sustainability efforts involve parking in many ways, including electric vehicles, multi-modal transportation, and Stormwater infrastructure. This recommendation will help connect Parking with sustainability efforts. We recommend a faculty member to be a voting member, from both Transportation and Water & Stormwater SWATeam.

  2. Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots recommendation - Assessment started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 10, 2018, to discuss and start the assessment of Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots recommendation. The iWG's draft assessment was:

    "F&S should include the minimum requirements of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) in the Facilities Standards, as described in the Campus Master Plan."

  3. Water005 Rainworks Design Lot F4 recommendation - Assessment started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 10, 2018, to discuss and start the discussion on SWATeam recommendation, Water005 Rainworks Design Lot F4. The iWG's draft comment on the recommendation was:

    "Do a feasibility study for lot F4, incorporating the green infrastructure from the conceptualization completed by the students in the award winning rainworks challenge. Potential funding could be requested from the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)."

  4. PWR011 SmartWay Union recommendation - Assessment started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on April 9, 2018, to start the discussion on SWATeam recommendation, PWR011 SmartWay Union. The iWG started the assessment of this recommendation during the May 10, 2018, meeting. The iWG's draft comment on the recommendation was:

    "We agree that F&S and the Illini Union should participate EPA SmartWay Program. EPA has identified someone to assist with considering options."

  5. EGen008 Pursue Solar PPA recommendation - Assessment started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 10, 2018, to discuss and start the assessment of SWATeam recommendation, EGen008 Pursue Solar PPA. The iWG's draft comment on the recommendation was:

    "We support this recommendation. We should issue an RFP for a PPA.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen008 Pursue Solar PPA here.

  6. Trans008 Mode Share Survey recommendation - Assessment started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 10, 2018, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation, Trans008 Mode Share Survery. The iWG's draft comment on the recommendation was:

    "iSEE should create and administer a mode-share survey, with recurring on a regular basis. For example, every other year or as often as the Big 10 averages."

    See SWATeam recommendation Trans008 Mode Share Survey here.

  7. PWR012 Purchasing Representation recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "A staff member on the University of Illinois Purchasing Division commit to regularly attend the meetings of the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR012 Purchasing Representation, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  8. ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 recommendation - Transmittal

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) Chair, Dr. Ximing Cai, forwarded the ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 recommendation to the Provost following the completion of iWG assessment of the same. 


    Dear Provost Andreas Cangellaris:

  9. ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    See attached the Assessment form for the ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan recommendation complete with comments from all iWG members.

    See iWG assessment started for ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan here.

    See SWATeam recommendation ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan here.

  10. iWG meeting minutes April 9th, 2018

  11. ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on November 30th, 2017, to discuss the ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017, and started the assessment of this recommendation. Their official comment was:

    "Energy Conservation is vital to maintaining our energy savings and emission reductions and has a strong payback. The Provost’s Office should consider this recommendation when reviewing Facilities and Services’ budget for FY19 and should consider this in light of the larger budget reform process."

  12. South Farm Management Plan recommendation - Assessment Started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on March 14th, 2018 to discuss the ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan recommendation. We were joined by Bruce Branham and Colleen Williams from the ALUFS SWATeam to explain the objectives behind the recommendation.

    The iWG started the assessment on March 14th, 2018, and their draft assessment of the recommendation was:

  13. South Campus Afforestation Recommendation - Transmittal to the unit

    The recommendation was submitted to the NRES unit on March 2, 2018, by Morgan White. Jay Hayek, Extension Forestry Specialist in NRES, will be planting 2 acres of trees at the southwest corner of Race Street and Windsor Road.  The trees were purchased by the Champaign County Rotary Club.  There will be a wide variety of native oak and hickory species that come in 3 gallon containers and range in height from 3-6 feet.  The Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS) plan to assist with planting the trees, when they are delivered in early April.

  14. IWG Meeting Minutes November 30, 2017

  15. EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0 recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on October 27th, 2017, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0. The iWG's final recommendation was:

    "The iWG agrees that this is the most cost-effective method for meeting the iCAP objective of 25,000 MWh/year of on-campus solar generation by FY25.  To meet that goal, the Solar Farm 2.0 project needs to begin soon, under F&S direction."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

  16. Solar Farm 2.0 Request for Proposals

    Chancellor Jones approved moving forward with soliciting proposals for Solar Farm 2.0, at the Sustainability Council meeting yesterday.  F&S will now start working on an RFP process to consider building another 50 acres of solar PVs on south farms.

  17. EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0 recommendation - Transmittal

    The SWATeam recommendation, eGen007 Solar Farm 2.0, was transmitted to the Sustainability Council and was presented during their meeting on December 7, 2017.

    For future updates, please refer to Solar Farm 2.0.

    See iWG assessment of EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0 here.

  18. iWG meeting agenda November 30, 2017
