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Projects Updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG)

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  1. Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs, the recommendation was transmitted to Bob Flider, Director of Community and Government Relations with the Office of Public Engagement on 5/9/22.

    See submittal of Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs recommendation here. 

  2. ZW005 Water Bottle Survey - Successful

    Dr. Madhu Khanna, interim Director of iSEE, responded to the ZW005 Water Bottle Survey recommendation with the following message:

    "Thanks to the IWG and ICAP Zero Waste Team for their recommendation. It will be very informative to conduct a survey on campus bottled water use and assess areas where we can make a difference by providing water filler stations and other strategies for changing behavior. iSEE will be happy to support this effort and work with you all in developing the survey instrument, analyzing and disseminating the findings."

  3. Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs - Submitted

    The Resilience iCAP Team submitted the following recommendation to the iCAP Working Group on 4/7/22:

    "iSEE should assign a staff person to meet with local governmental and community leaders to discuss how the University can plan to assist communities to address environmental justice challenges."

    The Res003 Collecting Info About Environmental Justice Needs recommendation is attached. 

  4. ZW007 Composting Strategies - Submitted

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted the following recommendation to the iWG on April 8, 2022: 

    "The team recommends that a committee of campus and community stakeholders be created to share knowledge related to composting on campus and work together to further expand composting at a large scale. The committee will convene approximately once each month, and will consist of faculty members doing research tangential to food waste, student organizations interested in the cause, community groups activating composting, etc. (list of potential members amended to this recommendation)."

  5. Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership - Successful

    Dr. Ehab Kamarah, Executive Director of F&S, responded to Dr. Jennifer Fraterrigo, iSEE Associate Director of Campus Sustainability, with the following email:

    "This is to confirm that F&S team will form the EV Task Force with input from the Parking Advisory Committee."


  6. Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Ehab Kamarah on 3/29/22. 

    See iWG assessment of Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership attached. 
    See submittal of Trans014 EV Task Force here. 

  7. iWG Meeting Minutes 2-25-22

    The iWG met on 2-25-22 and discussed the Energy008 and Energy009 recommendations, Trans014, and plastic reduction initiatives. Andy Stumpf and Bill Rose, the Energy iCAP Team chairs, joined the meeting to discuss the two Energy recommendations. The meeting minutes are attached. 

  8. ZW006 Water Filter System Tracking - Submitted

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted recommendation ZW006 Water Filter System Tracking on 3/2/22. The recommendation is attached, and states in summary:

    "The Zero Waste Team recommends that the number and status of all EZH20 bottle filling stations on campus are tracked by number, location, amount of water bottles saved, and their filtration status (I.e. green, yellow, red/date of filter replacement)."

  9. ZW005 Water Bottle Survey - Submitted

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted recommendation: ZW005 Water Bottle Survey on 3/2/22. The recommendation is attached, and states in summary:

    "The Zero Waste Team recommends that a campus-wide survey be administered to gain a better understanding of drinking water behavior on campus."

  10. PWR019 Sustainable Procurement - Supplanted by ZW002

    The Sustainable Procurement (PWR019) recommendation was supplanted by ZW002 Join NERC Government Demand Recycling Demand Champions. 

    See PWR019 Sustainable Procurement Transmittal and initial Recommendation here. 

    See ZW002 Join NERC Government Demand Recycling Demand Champions - successful update here. 

  11. Energy009 MMR Safety and Security - Submitted

    The Energy iCAP Team made the following recommendation on 2/8/21. The Energy009 MMR Safety and Security is attached, and a summary of the recommendation is as follows. 


    We recommend that the campus commission a report on safety and security surrounding the micro-modular reactor (MMR).

  12. Energy008 Charging Responsibility for Meeting iCAP Energy Goals - Submitted

    The Energy iCAP Team made the following recommendation on 2/8/21. The Energy008 Charging Responsibility for Meeting iCAP Energy Goals is attached, and a summary of the recommendation is as follows. 


    We recommend the following actions:

  13. ZW002 Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions - Successful

    Aaron Finder, Assistant Director of the Purchasing and Contracts Management office, sent the following email on 2/9/22:


    Hi Meredith,

    I have met with NERC a couple time to get a better understanding of NERC and its Government Recycling Demand Champions program. Their Director, Lynn Rubinstein, and I discussed membership levels and the Purchasing and Contracts Management Office will join NERC as a “Supporting Member.”

    Through our membership with NERC, we will also have the ability to participate in 4 active committees:

  14. ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program - Successful

    Dr. Jeff Moore, Director of the Beckman Institute, responded to Morgan White, Associate Director for F&S for Sustainability, with the following email on 1/18/22:

    "Thank you, Morgan and Jennifer.  We'll discuss this at our next meeting.  On first glance, it looks like a prudent practice to follow."

  15. ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Jeff Moore, Director of the Beckman Institute. 


    Hello Dr. Moore,
