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Projects Updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG)

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  1. ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling - Transmitted

    On 6/6/2023, the ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling recommendation was transmitted to Mr. Josh Whitman and Mr. Tim Knox at the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA), with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Dear Mr. Whitman and Tim,

  2. Energy011 Priority Technologies and Practices for a Clean Energy Plan - Successful

    Following is the response from Dr. Ehab Kamarah (on May 5, 2023) regarding the Energy011 Priority Technologies and Practices for a Clean Energy Plan recommendation.

    Dear Dr. Fraterrigo,

    We agree that this summary of current efforts towards carbon-neutral energy will be helpful, and we will coordinate the development of this document.



  3. Trans015 Fleet Replacement recommendation - Submitted

    On May 5, 2023, the Tranportation iCAP Team submitted the Trans015 Fleet Replacement recommendation. See below a preview of the recommendation:

    The objective of this recommendation is to establish a framework for accomplishing iCAP 2020 Objective 3.1, which states, “Establish written replacement plans for at least 80% of campus fleets by FY24 to improve university-owned vehicle efficiency.” By

  4. ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling - Submitted

    On May 5, 2023, Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted the ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling recommendation. Please see attached.

    Without appropriate recycling infrastructure on the upper concourse of State Farm Center, campus is losing valuable recyclable materials sent to the landfill (particularly with recyclable items left in the arena). Additionally, the installation of permanent recycling bins on the upper concourse would facilitate the ability for fans to recycle at any athletic or entertainment event held at State Farm Center.

  5. ZW010 Tailgate Recycling - Successful

    Following is the response from DIA:


    The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) approves the recommendation to work with Facilities and Services and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and the Environment to implement a recycling program at football tailgate events. Assistant Athletic Director Tim Knox will be responsible for coordinating the implementation for DIA.


  6. Engagement005 DIA and Green Sports Alliance - Successful

    Following is the response from DIA:


    The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) approves the recommendation to formally join the Green Sports Alliance at the $2,500 Premier Membership level. Assistant Athletic Director Tim Knox will be responsible for coordinating the implementation for DIA.


  7. Education008 Accounting for Sustainability in Study Abroad - Successful

    Following is the response from the department:

    Dr. Fraterrigo and Ms. White,

    Thank you for sharing the recommendation from the Education iCAP Team regarding the incorporation of sustainability learning in study abroad programs campus-wide.  We will share the recommendation with the IACSC and plan for a fuller discussion with that group at our May meeting. As soon as the May meeting is scheduled, we’ll confirm a timeline for a formal response.

  8. Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership - Successful

    Please see attached the response to the Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership recommendation from Dr. Madhu Khanna.

    See the iWG assessment of the Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership recommendation.

  9. Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program - Successful

    Please see attached the response to the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program recommendation from Dr. Madhu Khanna.

    See the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program assessment.

    For future updates, please refer to the NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors project.

  10. Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership - Transmitted

    On 4/20/2023, the Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Madhu Khanna, Director of iSEE, with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Hello Dr. Khanna,

  11. Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program - Transmitted

    On 4/20/2023, the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Madhu Khanna, Director of iSEE, with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Hello Dr. Khanna,

  12. ZW010 Tailgate Recycling - Transmitted

    On 4/19/2023, the ZW010 Tailgate Recycling recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Ehab Kamarah, the Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of F&S, Josh Whitman and Timothy Knox, at the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA), with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Dear Dr. Kamarah, Mr. Whitman and Tim,

  13. ZW004 Recommendation Update

    Beckman currently uses reusable trays, plates, and glasses in their cafe. They currently have a dishwasher onsite and will have a larger one in the new project (U22005 Beckman Café Renovation). They also have a stack of plastic and Styrofoam containers on the line as people move through the food ordering line, so improvements could be made here to nudge people towards the reusable options.

  14. LW006 Paver Maintenance - Submitted

    The Land and Water iCAP Team submitted the attached LW006 Paver Maintenance recommendation to the iWG on 4/10/2023. The recommendation states:

    The Land & Water iCAP team recommends that the permeable asphalt in parking lot C9 be vacuumed. An industrial vacuum truck will be required to power wash and vacuum the clogged particulate matter that has accumulated over time.

    Suggested unit/department to address implementation: Parking.

  15. Engagement005 DIA and Green Sports Alliance - Transmitted

    On 4/10/2023, the Engagement005 DIA and Green Sports Alliance recommendation was transmitted to Josh Whitman and Timothy Knox, at the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA), with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached. 

    Dear Mr. Whitman and Tim,

  16. Energy011 Priority Technologies and Practices for a Clean Energy Plan - Transmitted

    On 4/10/2023, the Energy011 Priority Technologies and Practices for a Clean Energy Plan recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Ehab Kamarah, Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Facilities & Services, with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached. 

    Dear Dr. Kamarah,
