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Projects Updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG)

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  1. Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan - Successful

    The Sustainability Council is in support of the development of a Clean Energy Plan, as discussed at the meeting on November 29, 2021. Madhu Khanna and Ehab Kamarah agreed to work together on behalf of iSEE and F&S to move this forward and go through the RFP process.


    See transmittal and iWG assessment of Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan here.
    See submittal of Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan here.

    For future updates, see the Energy Planning Document project page.

  2. Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan, the recommendation was transmitted and discussed at the Sustainability Sub-Council and Sustainability Council meeting on November 29, 2021.

    See iWG assessment of Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan attached.
    See submittal of Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan here.

    Attached Files: 
  3. Sustainability Sub-Council Meeting 11/10/21

    The Sustainability Sub-Council met on November 10, 2021 in preparation of the Sustainability Council meeting. The primary agenda items included: 

    • iCAP 2020 process reminder
    • Energy007 Comprehensive Energy Planning Document 
    • LW002 and Rainwater Funding Issues
    • Sustainability priorities and next steps

    The slide deck is attached with meeting minutes to follow.

  4. Energy004 - Energy Conservation Funding - Successful

    The Energy004 recommendation was discussed at the spring 2021 Sustainability Sub-Council meeting and was then sent to UES to address. Rob Roman, F&S Director of Energy and Utility Services, sent the following response:

    “UES has had the opportunity to have discussions with the College of ACES and the Provost office regarding a large ESCO project being performed at the ACES facilities. This project has received a priority status for the Energy Performance Contracting group, who will begin working with the College on scope development of the project. The Provost Budget Office remains supportive of the ESCO initiatives.”

    See iWG assessment and transmittal of Energy004 - Energy Conservation Funding here.
    See iCAP Team submittal and recommendation of Energy004 - Energy Conservation Funding here. 

    For additional progress on this effort, see Energy Performance Contracting / ESCO.

  5. iWG Meeting Minutes 9-22-21

    Attached are the meeting minutes from 9-22-21. The agenda focused on iWG iCAP 2020 priorities, Council/Sub-council updates, ZW004 and LW002 next steps, an overview of campus sustainability month, and updates from the student groups. 

    Attached Files: 
  6. ZW003 GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment - Successful

    Jenny Kokini, Managing Director of iSEE, responded to Morgan White with the following email:


    Dear Morgan,

    iSEE will be happy to pilot the GreenerOffice Delivery Service offered by Office Depot.

    As a matter of fact, Amy, tried to place her first order today to Office Depot using the GreenerOffice Delivery Service. But no such option was given.  So, she went to office depot outside the iBuy and found the page to sign up for.  A form needs to be filled out.  Amy put a service desk request ticket with purchasing to see if this can be implemented at University level given that it references University account.  If Purchasing rejects filling out the form giving campus level GreenerOffice Delivery option, then Amy will fill out the form giving just iSEE the option of the GreenerOffice Delivery Service.

    Best wishes,



    See iWG assessment and transmittal of ZW003 GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment here.
    See iCAP Team Recommendation ZW003 - GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment here.

  7. iCAP Team and iCAP Working Group Kickoff

    We had a great iCAP Team and iCAP Working Group Kickoff on 9/16/21! During the event, we heard from iSEE Interim Director, Dr. Madhu Khanna, went through the team rosters, iCAP Procedures, iCAP 2020 and progress made thus far, and lastly summarized other resources that sustainability advocates should be aware of. 

    The iCAP Teams and iCAP Working Group are instrumental in helping campus advance and achieve our sustainability goals and we look forward to a great year!

    The presentation is attached and the recording is found here

  8. ZW003 GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for ZW003 GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Madhu Khanna at iSEE.

    See iWG assessment of ZW003 - GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment attached.

    See iCAP Team Recommendation ZW003 - GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment here.

    Attached Files: 
  9. ZW002 Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for ZW002 Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions, the recommendation was transmitted to Brad Henson and Aaron Finder at the UIUC Purchasing Office. 

    See iWG assessment of ZW002 - Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions attached.

    See iCAP Team Recommendation ZW002 - Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions here.

    Attached Files: 
  10. Res001 Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan - Successful

    Ehab Kamarah, interim Executive Director of F&S, responded to Morgan White and Sherry Wooten with the following message:

    "The plan is signed and is being sent back to the County. My apology for the late response."

    See transmittal of Res001 Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan here.

    See iWG assessment of Res001 Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan here.
    See recommendation and submittal of Res001 Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan here

    For future updates on this effort, visit Champaign County Hazard Mitigation Plan.


  11. iWG Meeting 7-22-21

    The iCAP Working Group met on 7-22-21. Attached are the meeting minutes. The agenda was as follows: 

    1. Introductions
    2. Energy006
      1. Update on Freezer Challenge (Paul Foote) ~4 min
      2. Update on Greener Labs Inventory Toolkit (Morgan White) ~4 min
      3. Energy Team introduce the recommendation (Bill Rose, Andy Stumpf) ~8 min
      4. Group discussion ~10 min
    3. Energy007
      1. Overview of Energy Management Plan (Rob Roman) ~6 min
      2. Energy Team introduce the recommendation (Bill Rose, Andy Stumpf) ~8 min
      3. Group discussion ~45 min
        1. Should the scope only utilize existing technology?
        2. Do we want project-specific preliminary costs or prorated estimates based on historical costs?
        3. Does this document need stakeholder engagement?
        4. This is for meeting the 2050 iCAP goal.
        5. Should this document include net-zero space aspects or should it utilize an anticipated growth percentage?
        6. How does deferred maintenance interact with this plan?
        7. What scenarios would we like to see? For example, what if every new building on campus had to be net-zero energy?
    4. Overview of vision for iCAP Teams this academic year (Meredith Moore) ~5 min
      1. Enhanced interaction about the iCAP
      2. Standard recommendations from topical teams – encourage small-scale recommendations that will get to more campus units/groups
      3. Active participation at Campus Sustainability Celebration – afternoon of 10/20/21
      4. Increase connections with other groups – Student Affairs, SSLC, etc.
    Attached Files: 
  12. Energy003 Supplanted by Energy007

    Given the similarities between the Energy007 - Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan and the Energy003 - Energy Master Plan recommendations, Energy003 will be supplanted by Energy007. The iCAP 2020 and F&S Energy Management Plan have both been released since the submittal of Energy003. The Energy iCAP Team co-chairs, Bill Rose and Andy Stumpf, have agreed to this update. 

    See submittal of Energy003 - Energy Master Plan here.

    See Energy007 - Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan for future updates. 

  13. Edu003 Sustainability Career Fair - Successful

    Jennifer Neef, Director of the Career Center, responded to Meredith Moore and agreed to collaborate to incorporate sustainability into the Career Fairs, per the message below on 6/30/20.


    Hello Meredith,

    Thanks for a great conversation.

    The Career Center supports the iCAP Education goal of helping student finding meaningful employment related to sustainability. Our mission is to provide students with impactful services and resources that empower them to pursue career opportunities aligned with their interests, skills, values, and talents. I look forward to working with you and members of the task force in the coming year.

    Jennifer M. Neef


    See transmittal of Edu003 Sustainability Career Fair.
    See SWATeam recommendation and submittal of Edu003 Sustainability Career Fair.

    For future updates on this effort, see Sustainability at Career Fairs

  14. Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan - Submitted

    The Energy iCAP Team made the following recommendation on 6/8/21. The Energy007 Comprehensive Energy Plan recommendation is attached as well as supplemental information. 


    We recommend that F&S initiate the development of an energy planning document in FY21.

  15. Energy006 Integrate iCAP Goals into Research/Learning Labs - Submitted

    The Energy iCAP Team made the following recommendation on 6/8/21. The Energy006 Integrate iCAP Goals into Research/Learning Labs recommendation is attached along with a report prepared by Energy student, Brinn McDowell, and the data used in her report. 

    We recommend forming a committee to oversee integration of iCAP objectives into research/learning labs and to actively engage researchers to adopt sustainable lab policies. The committee should consist of a diverse range of stakeholders associated with sustainability and/or research on campus, such as F&S, iSEE, DRS, OVCR, OSHA, and Energy/Engagement iCAP Sustainability Working Team representatives. Outcomes from the committee should include, but is not limited to, a toolkit for sustainable and safe lab policies, training modules for those policies, a green purchasing guide, and inventory of equipment/spaces. The training modules should be part of onboarding and a required component of the lab safety training modules.

  16. Res001 Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Res001 Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, the recommendation was transmitted to the Office of the Chancellor via Mike DeLorenzo on June 8, 2021. 

    See SWATeam recommendation Res001 Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.
    See attached iWG assessment. 

  17. ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan - Successful

    The Sustainability Sub-Council discussed and approved this recommendation at the March 18, 2021 meeting.  The meeting minutes are online at:

    The key next steps are:

    • Form “Sustainable Land Management Committee” with both ACES and non-ACES representation (e.g., iSEE, F&S, UI System, Ag Property Management, Engineering, etc.)
    • Madhu will work with ACES to form this committee, which will focus on incorporating sustainable land management practices on South Farms, extension opportunities, and updating agronomy handbook and recommended set of practices
    • South Farms will ultimately be an example of how to demonstrate sustainability practices and will connect with farmers who are willing and engaged with these practices

    See iWG assessment started for ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan here.

    See SWATeam recommendation ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan here.

    For future updates on this effort, visit Sustainable Land Management Committee.

  18. iWG Meeting Minutes 5-14-21

    The iCAP Working Group met on 5-14-21. The agenda was as follows: 

    • Transportation iCAP Team presentation
    • Engagement iCAP Team presentation (presentation attached) 
    • Celebration of success ~ thank you!

    The Zoom recording is found here. (must download in order to view)

  19. Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance - Successful

    Morgan White, Associate Director for F&S for Sustainability, responded to Dr. Ximing Cai and the Energy iCAP Team on behalf of Dr. Attalla and F&S, with the following email:

    Hello Ximing, iWG, and Energy iCAP Team,

    Thank you for the recommendation to work with Dr. Yun Yi and his students to develop energy models for campus facilities.  We are pleased to implement this recommendation, as submitted to us. 

    As contacts for Dr. Yi, we have identified Tom Keller and Joe Villanti from the Engineering Quality Assurance, Design Review, team at F&S.  I will send a separate email to introduce them to Dr. Yi, and we will provide periodic updates, on the iCAP Portal at

    Thank you,


    (sent on behalf of Dr. Attalla and the F&S team)


    See transmittal of Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance here.
    See iWG assessment of Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance here. 
    See recommendation and submittal of Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance here.

    For future updates on this effort, visit Energy Models for Campus Facilities.
