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Projects Updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG)

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  1. Res002 Biodiversity Plan - Successful

    Sherry Nickols-Richardson, Director of University of Illinois Extension, sent Morgan White the following email in support of the Res002 recommendation.


    Dear Morgan,

    Thank you for sharing the Urban Biodiversity Master Plan component noted below (iCAP 202 Objective 8.1). University of Illinois Extension supports the in-kind contribution of Lisa Merrifield toward this effort through FY24. 

    Please note that Illinois Extension does not have funding to support a formal master planning process. This would need to be established and developed by F&S. If there are other implications for financial support now or in the future, Illinois Extension requests that there be discussion about these implications before any expenses are incurred.

    This will be an interesting, informative, and valuable process. I look forward to periodic reports about the progress.


    Shelly Nickols-Richardson


    See submittal and recommendation of Res002 Biodiversity Plan. 

    See transmittal of Res002 Biodiversity Plan. 

    See iWG assessment of Res002 Biodiversity Plan. 

    For future updates on this effort, visit Urban Biodiversity Master Plan.

  2. Energy004 Energy Conservation Funding - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Energy004 Energy Conservation Funding, the recommendation was transmitted to the Sustainability Council. The recommendation was discussed on 4/28/21. 

    See iWG assessment of Energy004 Energy Conservation Funding attached.

    See SWATeam Recommendation Energy004 Energy Conservation Funding here.

    Attached Files: 
  3. iWG Meeting Minutes from 4-27-21

    The iWG met on April 27, 2021, and discussed the iCAP Team recommendations: ZW002 Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions, ZW003 GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment, ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program, LW002 Vet Med Parking Re-Design, and LW003 Certified Green Building Certification. See meeting minutes attached. 

    Attached Files: 
  4. Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Mohamed Attalla on April 15, 2021. 

    See iWG assessment of Energy005 attached. 
    See iCAP Team recommendation of Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance.

    Attached Files: 
  5. Res002 Biodiversity Plan - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Res002 Biodiversity Plan, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Nickols-Richardson, Director of Extension, on April 12, 2021. 

    See iWG assessment of Res002 Biodiversity Plan attached. 

    See iCAP team recommendation Res002 Biodiversity Plan.


  6. ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program - Submitted

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team made the ZW004 "Reusable Dining Containers Program" recommendation on 4/2/21:

    "Where possible and applicable, campus restaurants and foodservices should adopt the use of a reusable containers instead of disposable or compostable containers for take-out food. At a minimum, this should become an option for customers."

  7. ZW003 GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment - Submitted

    The Zero Waste iCAP team made the ZW002 "Campuswide Office Depot GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment" recommendation on 4/2/21:

    Campus-wide Office Depot® GreenerOffice™ Delivery Service Enrollment would provide a recyclable and/or reusable delivery option for departmental purchase orders made through Office Depot. Deliveries will be made in paper bags, made of 40% post-consumer recycled content. Paper bags are reusable and recyclable. Paper bags will be transported in reusable plastic totes, made of 60% post-consumer recycled plastic, so deliveries will remain protected during transportation. These reusable totes would be picked up by Office Depot on the next delivery, such that the program is self-sustainable.

  8. ZW002 Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions - Submitted

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team made the following recommendation ZW002 Join Northeastern Recycling Council Government Recycling Demand Champions on 4/2/21: 

    University of Illinois to join the NERC Government Demand Champion Program.

    1. Free technical assistance in training, recognition, and tools to support efforts in the program. This will help us find more Post-consumer recycled (PCR) products by engaging with existing or identifying new vendors, provide training opportunities to department buyers, and/or provide the SWATeam with innovative engagement tools to increase buy-in across campus.
    2. Aligns with State of Illinois Procurement Code (ILCS 500/45-15 & ILCS 500/45-20)
    3. First University to join the program
    4. National recognition for sustainability commitment
    5. Support a circular economy
  9. LW003 Certified Greener Building Certification - Submitted

    The Land and Water iCAP team submitted the following Certified Greener Building Certification recommendation on 4/2/21:

    "The Land and Water iCAP Team recommends the creation of a Certified Greener Building Program to add to the portfolio of Greener Campus Programs under iSEE. The existing Greener Campus Programs target nearly every facet of campus life from University employees to student experiences. A Greener Building Certification would provide an opportunity for collaboration between building liaisons and the people and groups that utilize campus buildings. A set of requirements and voluntary actions must be developed to achieve the certification. Based on the success of the existing Certified Greener Campus programs, students, faculty, and staff alike are very likely to take advantage of the certification opportunity and embed these actions as part of building operations. These actions will also promote life-long sustainable habits. A Greener Building Certification would establish a sustainability standard and increase our culture of sustainability on campus."

  10. LW002 Vet Med Parking Lot Re-Design - Submitted

    The Land and Water iCAP team submitted the following LW002 Vet Med Parking Lot Re-Design recommendation on 4/2/21:

    "This recommendation calls for a redesign of the Vet-Med parking lot F27 to reduce runoff and prevent flooding of the Dairy Farm. Project design recommendations would include adding stormwater infrastructure such as bioswales and raingardens within the redesigned parking lot, as well as to the west of the parking lot where much of the runoff from the asphalt currently flows. A student project, which placed first in the Central States Water Environmental Association Student Design Competition: Environmental Category addresses this issue, but the team recommends hiring a Professional Services Consultant team, consisting of a professional engineer and landscape architect for the design. It is possible that the firm may be willing to donate the design, which would reduce the cost."

    Attached Files: 
  11. Engagement001: General Education Board Sustainability Sub-group - Submitted

    The Engagement iCAP team made the following recommendation on 3/29/21. The Engagement001: General Education Board Sustainability Sub-group recommendation is attached. 

    The Engagement Team proposes that a working sub-group be formed within the General Education Board of the University to address and support the implementation of a sustainability general education requirement proposed by the Illinois Student Government.

  12. Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance - Submitted

    The Energy iCAP team made the following recommendation on 2/11/21. The Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance recommendation is attached. 

    The aim of this recommendation is to ensure compliance of current and recent projects with State of Illinois Energy Codes and Facilities Standards

    1. F&S will identify a contractor—which may be a student group or include a student group—capable of creating 25 models of building whole energy use in campus buildings. F&S will contract to provide electronic files so they can be run on a common platform such as Trane700, Energyplus, eQuest, DOE-2 or BLAST. Preference will be given to contractors who make maximum use of student effort.
    2. F&S will identify five buildings completed recently but prior to 2019 for which breakdown meter energy use data is available, and five campus buildings currently under construction. F&S may identify buildings for which the required requested model energy files are available, at a cost saving on the project.
    3. The contractor – in collaboration with a student group -- will complete for each of the ten buildings
      1. a model file of the building which follows the Energy Code prescriptive requirements (baseline energy model) in use at the time of construction in order to determine an Energy Cost Budget, (10 files)
      2. a model file of the building as constructed (10 files), and
      3. a determination of the level of compliance with Energy Codes and Facilities Standards in terms of design and construction.
    4. For the five already-completed buildings, the contractor will calibrate the as-constructed model to fit the measured energy consumption data, using historical weather data. The calibrated model (5 files) should replicate actual energy use for a minimum of one year within 5% on a monthly basis and within 20% on a daily basis.
    5. If energy modeling files are available in project files on a common platform listed above, and may be distributed, then this may be considered one of the deliverables, and the work need not be redone, at a cost saving for the project.
    6. The contractor will provide a final report that describes the level of compliance in the ten buildings with the State of Illinois Energy Code (in use at the time of design and construction, as applicable) and Facilities Standards. The energy model files will be made available publicly, and primarily to students and faculty in engineering and architecture for their study.
  13. Res002 Biodiversity Plan - Submitted

    The Resilience team made the following recommendation on 2/3/2021: 

    Lisa Merrifield at U of I Extension should coordinate the development of an urban biodiversity master plan for the local urbanized area of Urbana, Champaign, and Savoy, with broad stakeholder input and direct faculty/researcher involvement.

    Attached is the Res002 Biodiversity Plan recommendation. 

  14. Trans012 Carpool Survey - Returned

    Morgan White and Ximing Cai, the iWG co-chairs, returned the Trans012 Carpool Survey recommendation on February 2, 2021 with the following email. 

    Hello Transportation iCAP Team,

    The iCAP Working Group is continuing to work through the several SWATeam recommendations that were submitted in April 2020.  Ximing and I appreciate your patience with this process, which took some additional time due to the iCAP 2020 completion work (and the pandemic).

    The Carpool Survey recommendation, Trans012, was initially submitted as a recommendation to conduct a survey, develop a plan, and implement a pilot program.  With the Campus as a Living Lab (CALL) project, Student Mobility on and around the Illinois campus, funded in Fall 2019, Ximing reached out to Dr. Ouyang this summer.  He shared this update, “Originally we were hoping to conduct not only the survey but also do an initial design of the service system (service model, business plan, resource assessment, economic analysis).” and “We were planning to send out the survey (as major task of the $9K seed project) in Spring 2020, but the topic (carpool service) was inappropriate under the COVID-19 environment -- the results would likely be heavily biased under the unusual circumstance.”

    Because there is work underway through the CALL project, and while this work is on-hold for the pandemic, Ximing and I have decided to formally “return” this recommendation to your team.  We are very supportive of this project moving forward, once we are in the post-pandemic world.  Please consider this particular recommendation (Trans012) as closed.  When the CALL efforts are further along, we would be happy to see a new SWATeam Recommendation for the next steps. 

    Thank you for all your excellent work!  We look forward to additional recommendations from your team.


    Morgan and Ximing


    See the Trans012 Carpool Survey submittal.

  15. iCAP Working Group Meeting 1-20-2021

    Below is the recording link for the 1-20-21 meeting. Meeting minutes to follow.

    ***Correction from recording*** Example scenario - if in the first year, College of Engineering spends $100 million on utilities and in year 5, they do work to reduce consumption by $1 million, will they get that $1 million of savings in perpetuity or for a limited time? They would get $100 million in allocation, but their utility costs would only be $99 million and they would keep the difference and be able to spend it on other budget items.

  16. iWG Meeting Minutes from 11-18-20

    The iCAP Working Group met on November 18, 2020 and discussed energy conservation funding (Energy004) after hearing a presentation by Josh Whitson, Tony Spurlock, Rob Roman, and Karl Helmink (F&S). The meeting minutes and presentation are attached. 

  17. Energy001 Anaerobic Digester Feasibility Study - Successful

    Doug Wolters, the ACES Director of Operations, responded to Morgan White, co-chair of the iWG, with the following email:


    Good morning Morgan,

    Many thanks to you and your team for your work on the development of the iCAP 2020!

    The College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) has a long standing commitment to sustainability and is fully supportive of the iCAP goals and specifically the SWATeam recommendation to “conduct a Feasibility Study to construct and operate an anaerobic digester on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus.”

    As noted in the recommendation, the feasibility study should be incorporated into the planning phase of the new Dairy Farm project.  Although the 2017 Campus Master Plan indicates a new Dairy Farm at Lincoln Avenue extended, the timing and funding of this project are yet to be determined, confirming several of the comments and perceived challenges identified in the iWG Assessment and SWATeam Recommendation regarding the need to consider such items as project timing, funding, return on investment, resource allocation, and other financial impacts. 

    All the best,



    See Energy001 Anaerobic Digester Feasibility Study - Transmitted

    For further information about this project, see Anaerobic Digester at Beef and Sheep Study.
