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Projects Updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG)

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  1. Green Labs Coordinator Recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on Dec 6, 2016. They supported the Green Labs Coordinator recommendation. The Assessment was completed with comments from all the iWG members on March 27, 2017. The iWG's official comment for this recommendation was:

    "The iCAP Working Group strongly supports the creation of a formal and campus-wide Green Labs program, led by a full-time coordinator and assisted by a team of student interns and a faculty advisory committee.  Many of our peer institutions have successfully implemented such programs.  Such a program is almost certain to lead to significant cost savings: for example, if the program led to the decommissioning of just 1% of our campus's 1700 fume hoods, the recurring energy savings would pay for a full-time position.  However, we anticipate that a much larger fraction (perhaps 10-20%) of hoods could be decommissioned, and there would be additional cost savings from behavior changes, freezer and refrigerator management, and other improvements.  The fiscal benefit to the campus as a whole, in addition to the sustainability benefit, is clear.  However, given current uncertainties about budgets and even budget models, it is not obvious which unit(s) stand to realize the cost savings over the long term.  We therefore suggest that this position be supported centrally, by the Office of the Provost, as a cross-cutting cost-saving strategy.  In terms of organizational placement, we suggest that the OVCR is the natural home for this program, because this office already oversees many programs related to the responsible conduct of research, including safety, compliance, and animal care.  As suggested by the SWATeam, this program could also receive communications/marketing support from iSEE staff."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation ECONS004 Green Labs Coordinator.

  2. South Campus Afforestation Recommendation - Assessment with comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on Feb 16, 2017. They supported the South Campus Afforestation recommendation. Their official comments for this recommendation was:

    "The iCAP includes an objective to add 50 acres of trees on campus, and this SWATeam recommendation suggests one potential location. The iWG suggests the College of ACES work with the Campus Master Planning committee to identify appropriate locations for additional trees. Another option to consider is parallel to the Embarras River."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with comments from all the iWG members.

    See ALUFS003 South Campus Afforestation Recommendation

  3. iWG Meeting Notes from Jan. 27, 2017

    The iCAP Working Group met and discussed the following agenda items.  Meeting notes are attached.

    1. Brief iCAP Portal overview by Morgan
    2. Discuss any updates to Water002, Cooling Tower Increase COC
    3. Discuss Trans008, Bike Parking in Ramps
    4. Discuss updates to Econs004, Green Labs Coordinator
    5. Consider issues with recommendation process and view recommendation tracker

    Attached Files: 
  4. EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards recommendation - Transmittal

    Following the completion of iWG assessment, the SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards was transmitted to the Sustainability Council on March 6, 2017.

    See iWG Assessment for SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standard here.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.

  5. EGen006 Petascale Offsets recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on February 23rd, 2017, to discuss and start the assessment on the SWATeam recommendation EGen006 Petascale Offsets. The iWG's official recommendation was:

    "This has been an open issue since the 2010 iCAP and the 2015 iCAP.  This should be addressed with the current discussions about supercomputing on campus."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen006 Petascale Offsets here.

  6. EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on February 23, 2017, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards. The official recommendation from the iWG was:

    "Rooftop solar should be included in the Facility Standards, with guidance developed by F&S staff, in order to maximize the effectiveness of solar installations.  This should apply to new construction, major renovations, and roof improvement projects.  Project scopes should include rooftop solar, as applicable, based on the guidance to be developed according to roof orientation, nearby shading, potential solar capacity, and roof construction type (e.g., gypsum would be an inappropriate roof decking for retrofitting with solar PVs). Exceptions should require a variance during the capital design review process."

    See attached the assessment form complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.

  7. Campus Tree Inventory Recommendation - assessment with comments

    The iCAP WOrking Group (iWG) met on February 23rd, 2017, to discuss and start the assessment of SWATeam recommendation ALUFS002 Campus Tree Inventory. Their official comment on this recommendation was:

    "The iCAP Working Group supports the use of the Carbon Credit funds for a tree inventory update."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam ALUFS002 Recommendation.

  8. Water001 BIF Greywater Meter recommendation - Assessment with comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on December 20, 2016, to discuss and start the assessment of SWATeam recommendation, Water001 BIF Greywater Meter. The iWG's official comment on the recommendation was:

    "A permanent real-time water meter should be installed on the greywater piping system in BIF, and the collected data should be made available in the Energy Billing System and through an online dashboard."

    See attached the iWG assessment of Water001 BIF Greywater Meter complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation Water001 BIF Greywater Meter here.

  9. Water003 Design Center Greywater Piping recommendation - Denied

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on December 20, 2016, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation, Water003 Design Center Greywater Piping. After some discussion, the iWG rejected this recommendation.

    See SWATeam recommendation Water003 Design Center Greywater Piping here.

  10. EGen004 Electrification Study recommendation - Returned

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on December 6, 2016, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation, eGen004 Electrification Study. The iWG agreed to return the recommendation to the eGen SWATeam for further discussion with F&S, iSEE, and other stakeholders.

    See SWATeam recommendation eGen004 Electrification Study here.
