iWG Meeting Minutes from 3/16/2020
Attached are the meeting notes from the iWG meeting on 3/16/2020. The focus of this meeting was on the Outreach section (renamed: Engagement) of the iCAP 2020.
Attached are the meeting notes from the iWG meeting on 3/16/2020. The focus of this meeting was on the Outreach section (renamed: Engagement) of the iCAP 2020.
Minutes from the Land and Water SWATeam meeting on March 9th, 2020. This meeting focused on revising a recommendation for a sustainability data respository.
Attached are the meeting notes from the iWG meeting on 3/9/2020. The focus of this meeting was on the Energy section of the iCAP 2020.
Land and Water SWATeam meeting minutes from February 26th, 2020. The focus of this meeting was choosing objectives to turn into recommendations.
Attached are the meeting minutes from 2-24-2020. The focus of the meeting was developing recommendations to submit to the iWG.
The Trans011 Carbon Credit Fund recommendation was returned to the Transportation SWATeam on 2/21/2020.
Attached are the meeting minutes from the iWG meeting on 2/17/2020. This meeting focused on discussing the resilience objectives.
Attached are the meeting notes from the iWG meeting on 2/10/2020. This meeting focused on discussing the Zero Waste section of the iCAP 2020.
See attached for the iWG Meeting Minutes and notes from 2/3/2020. The discussion focused on the Land and Water section of the iCAP 2020.
The Energy SWATeam's January 2020 meeting involved discussions on the responsbilities of the SWATeam and the assignments to subcommittees of the Energy SWATeam to help the committee work towards acheiveing its objectives more effectively.
See attached for the iWG Meeting Minutes and notes from 1/27/2020. The discussion focused on the Transportation section of the iCAP 2020.
The Energy SWATeam's December 2019 meeting involved discussions on the iWG feedback for the draft 2020 iCAP Objectives created by the SWATeam members. Edits to the draft objectives were made and the team's responses to the iWG feedback was compiled.
Meeting minutes of the December 11, 2019 Education SWATeam.
Following the completion of iWG assessment for PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification, the recommendation was transmitted to Gloria Keeley (Interim Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance).
See iWG assessment of PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification attached.
See SWATeam Recommendation PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification here.
The iWG met on 10/21/2019 and started the PWR018 iBUY Catalogue Modification assessment. The assessment was completed on 12/10/2019. Below is the official iWG recommendation which was sent to Gloria Keeley on 12/11/2019.
"We support this recommendation and suggest Gloria Keeley work directly with Aaron Finder to implement. Please keep the Zero Waste SWATeam informed of progress, and let iWG know if you have any major questions."
See attached for the iWG Meeting Minutes from 11/22/2019.
Jonah Messinger, President of the Illinois Solar Decathlon and co-chair of the Student Sustainability Leadership Council, provided this overview of clean energy markets to the iCAP Working Group.
See attached for the iWG Meeting Minutes from 10/21/2019.
Andy Stumpf provided the following response for eGEN010, "Yes. The summary will be compiled as part of a 'Living Labs' project proposed by the Illinois Water Resources Center."
See the iWG Assessment of eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study here.
See the SWATeam recommendation eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study here