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Projects Updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG)

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  1. Trans011 Carbon Credit Fund - Returned

    The Trans011 Carbon Credit Fund recommendation was returned to the Transportation SWATeam on 2/21/2020. 

    Dr. Ximing Cai writes, "For a recommendation submitted by your team last spring, iWG discussed it in the summer of 2019. Attached below please find the main points regarding the recommendation.

    a. Continue looking into incentives and NOT punishments

    b. Make a suggestion for how this could work with TEM

    c. Find more data on who this would affect and how it would affect them

    d. Find out how we would calculate the incentive for travelers and get an estimate on total cost per year

    e. Maybe set the incentive for trips outside of a 3-5 hour driving radius

    If you have any questions about these suggestions, please feel free to let us know. After addressing these points, you’re welcome to re-submit the recommendation for further iWG discussion."

    See the submittal of Trans011 Carbon Credit Fund and the original recommendation here.


  2. Energy SWATeam Meeting: January 27, 2020

    The Energy SWATeam's January 2020 meeting involved discussions on the responsbilities of the SWATeam and the assignments to subcommittees of the Energy SWATeam to help the committee work towards acheiveing its objectives more effectively. 

  3. Energy SWATeam Meeting: December 5, 2019

    The Energy SWATeam's December 2019 meeting involved discussions on the iWG feedback for the draft 2020 iCAP Objectives created by the SWATeam members. Edits to the draft objectives were made and the team's responses to the iWG feedback was compiled. 

  4. PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification, the recommendation was transmitted to Gloria Keeley (Interim Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance). 

    See iWG assessment of PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification attached.

    See SWATeam Recommendation PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification here.

    Attached Files: 
  5. PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification - Successful

    The iWG met on 10/21/2019 and started the PWR018 iBUY Catalogue Modification assessment. The assessment was completed on 12/10/2019. Below is the official iWG recommendation which was sent to Gloria Keeley on 12/11/2019.

    "We support this recommendation and suggest Gloria Keeley work directly with Aaron Finder to implement.  Please keep the Zero Waste SWATeam informed of progress, and let iWG know if you have any major questions."

    See attached for the completed assessment of the recommendation.

    See the submitted PWR SWATeam recommendation and the transmittal of PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification.  

    Attached Files: 
  6. eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study - Returned

    Andy Stumpf provided the following response for eGEN010, "Yes. The summary will be compiled as part of a 'Living Labs' project proposed by the Illinois Water Resources Center."


    See the iWG Assessment of eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study here.

    See the SWATeam recommendation eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study here

  7. PWR020 F&S Waste Report Endorsement - Successful

    Dr. Evan DeLucia, Director of iSEE, agreed to send a letter of support to F&S and to have iSEE help promote these efforts across campus.

    See the transmittal of PWR020 F&S Waste Report Endorsement Recommendation.

    See SWATeam Recommendation PWR020 F&S Waste Report Endorsement here.

    For future updates on this recommendation, visit the Zero Waste project.

  8. 2019 SWATeam Kickoff with Attached Power Point

    Good afternoon!


    It was wonderful meeting many of you at the iWG and SWATeam Kick Off event yesterday afternoon. Thank you so much for attending and for your participation. It will be a great year and your efforts are very much appreciated. Please find the slides and handout attached, and be sure to reach out if you have any questions.


    As a reminder, Sarthak Prasad from the Transportation team mentioned that it would be helpful if you could take this short bike survey.


    Thank you again for your hard work and dedication to making our campus a more sustainable place! I look forward to meeting with you in the near future.





    Meredith Moore

    Sustainability Programs Coordinator

    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    1101 W. Peabody, Urbana, Suite 338 (NSRC)



    [Power Point from Kickoff is attached, RC]

  9. PWR016 Motion Sensor Lighting - Successful

    Dr. Mohamed Attalla, Executive Director at F&S, responded to Dr. Ximing Cai, iWG Chair, on August 27, 2019 stating, "We will prepare the report as requested."

    See the transmittal of PWR016 Motion Sensor Lighting Recommendation. 

    See the SWATeam Recommendation PWR016 Motion Sensor Lighting here. 


    for future updates on this effort, please see Occupancy and Daylight Sensors.

  10. eGen009 Campus Geothermal Policy - Successful

    Dr. Mohamed Attalla, Executive Director at F&S, responded to Dr. Ximing Cai, iWG Chair, on August 27, 2019 stating, "We will review options for incorporating geothermal into existing campus documents, and share our thoughts with the iWG before proceeding."

    For further information about this project, please see Geothermal on Campus

    See the transmittal of eGen009 Campus Geothermal Policy Recommendation. 

    See the SWATeam Recommendation eGen009 Campus Geothermal Policy
