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Projects Updates for Carbon Credit Purchasing Program (C2P2) with Second Nature

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  1. Sale of Carbon Credits to Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF)

    1,075 Carbon Credits (CCs) were sold to BEF @ $6.25/CC.

    This sale resulted in $6,718.75 being added to the Carbon Credit Sales Fund.


    An email explaining the sale is attached below.

    An email with transaction information is attached below.

  2. Funding Approval for Campus Tree Inventory

    Evan De Lucia and Helen Coleman approved $70,000 of funding from the Carbon Credit Sales Fund for Campus Tree Inventory.


    The emails of approval are attached below.

  3. Carbon Credit funding declined for Virtual Storeroom offsets purchase

    Helen Coleman declined the purchase of 10,000 $7.14 offsets for the virtual storeroom.

    "I do not understand why we should buy $7.14 offsets instead of more $0.40 offsets, especially when we sold our original carbon credits for $6.75." -Helen Coleman (12/05/2017)


    An email with more information is attached below.


  4. Confirmation of payment and Transfer from Carbon Credit Fund to different CFOP

    1. Confirmation of receiving $123,727.50 on 06-27-2017 for a partial sale of the 2016 carbon credits

    2.  "We bought more than originally was planned, so the actual cost was $48,532 rather than $41,200. The $48,532 was paid out of our CFOP#: 1-100018-508000-508001 on July 21, 2017 Document #: I6801799" - Eugenie Kokini (11-13-2017)


    An email with more information is attached below.

  5. Carbon Credit funding approved for Virtual Storeroom

    The estimated cost of $2-3/Carbon Credit has been approved by Director of iSEE Evan DeLucia and Interim Executive Director of F&S Helen Coleman for buying 10,000 additional carbon offsets, when purchasing the 103,000 replacement offsets from the carbon credits sold from 2015.  The additional carbon offsets will be used as the initial inventory for a new Virtual Storeroom for carbon offsets being developed by iSEE for on campus users.

    An email of approval is attached below.

  6. Status update for purchasing offsets

    iSEE is working with the Purchasing Division to publish a Request for Proposals (RFP) to purchase carbon offsets.  These will include replacement offsets for the 2015 Carbon Credits (CCs) sold, and an option to purchase an additional 10,000 CCs to start an internal virtual storeroom for voluntary departmental offsets.
