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Projects Updates for Energy Models for Campus Facilities
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- Associated Project(s):
Help with an Energy Modeling Class?
Associated Project(s):Hi Tony,
We need to provide historical energy data to Professor Yi for his work with us this fall to create building energy models for selected buildings on campus, in his Architecture class.
Can you please have someone on your team provide monthly energy data for the following buildings for the last five years, FY20 to FY16? Also, if hourly data is available, please provide hourly data for these same buildings for the one year of FY19.
· Personnel Services Building
· Speech and Hearing Building
· Children’s Research Center
· Bruce Nesbitt African American Cultural Center.
I have created a folder for the related files in Box, which you can access at We would appreciate receiving this information by the end of July, if possible.
Thank you,
End of July should not be a problem.
Could you handle this data request? Thanks
Hi Morgan –
Attached is the data you’ve requested.
Hi Yun,
Please see attached files.
Hi Marge
I am wondering if we can get these buildings' documents before the semester starts.
I can ask TA to go over the documents and select documents that need for the class.
So that we can reduce the number of documents to get approval.
Also, I send an email related to meter data.
The Excel file doesn’t have units, could you help me what units were used for the meters.
Many thanks
Hi Yun,
I need to know what building documents you are seeking. What specifically do you want to see?
Hi Morgan,
It will be good to get basic drawings like floor plans, elevations, and more specific drawings like HVAC schedule, zoning, section detail, etc.
Many thanks
Hi Morgan,
Thanks to your help, today my class was able to site visit the new Campus Instructional Facility building and new Mech. building.
Here is a photo of today's visit. Students learned a lot today and I got great feedback today.
Also, I like to discuss some findings from initial energy modeling.
The BNAACC building is one of the buildings that we are analyzing the energy consumption data. While we compare meter data to energy consumption from simulation results. We observed that the electricity meter is projecting energy consumption exponentially higher than what an average building of such size should be consuming.
I am not sure this building is still in calibration on meter data or something but I will advise having the meter checked. If you need I can send you some of our findings or talk further on this.
Hi All,
Hope you had a nice break. I like to update you on building modeling.
We have four Energyplus (DesignBuilder) models that I can share with you.
I had to review the model made by students to make sure they are close to the actual building.
Currently, I am adding detailed HVAC systems to the model that can be more realistic.
Would you like to get access to the file? I can share the folder with you all. Also, would you like to discuss the next step?
Here is one of a report done by a student.
Hi Yun,
I would love to see the model(s) as soon s your review and detailed HVAC systems are modeled. I can also help assist with next steps.
Hi Tom,
I will share the folder with you when I have them ready.
Do you have a designbuilder on your computer? Or do you prefer to get it as an energyplus file?
We have an annual license with DB and we can share it with you if you like.
Is it easy for you to give us both versions? Otherwise energy plus would be good.
Hi Tom,
I thought I send files to you and realized I didn’t today.
Sorry for the late. Here is the files for the 4 buildings that we modeled.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi All,
Hope everyone is relaxing little bit from busy semester. Finally, I am done with grading and other things for the semester.
Also, it is not official but I have a good news that I got tenure so I will stay longer here.
Anyway, I am trying to see if you are interested to continue the building energy modeling in the Fall.
If we like to continue, I like to prepare some more buildings for the class this summer.
Let me know your thoughts
That’s great news, Yun!!! Congrats on your impending tenure!!!
I’m adding Kelly Jo Hoffmann the new Associate Director for Engineering Services, here. She’s been with F&S and was recently promoted into this roll.
I’m interested in continuing this, but I suggest we hold a meeting with a few more F&S folks to talk about what effort went into the modeling and how we are using them. I will look for an available time to do a zoom call.
Hi Morgan and Tom
Hope you are getting some good break during the summer.
I like to see if f&S is interest to continue the building energy modeling project.
If you are, I need to inform school that I will teach the same course next semester.
Many thanks,
Hi Yun,
Nice to hear from you. I would support that. However, I am not in a decision-making role for such things. I believe that Morgan or one of the others can help answer that more succinctly.
Thank you,
Hi All
Hope all is well. Just to check, can we get support from F&S to hire a TA for the fall semester?
It would be a great benefit to have a TA who can assist the class and ensure they build energy models properly.
I appreciate your support.
Many thanks
Hi Tom and everyone.
Just to check on the building energy modeling.
Let me know if any of you have a list of buildings that we would like to model for this semester.
I would also love to get some help to hire TA for the class. Without TA, I will be difficult model several buildings like last year.
Many thanks
Hi Yun Yi,
Have we modeled geothermal? I'm thinking Ripe Greenhouse (Gates Foundation), and Campus Instructional Facility.
I can assist in TA. I am copying Bruce K. as a possible TA too.
Hi Tom,
Some update with the class. It had some issues with our school, but things are clear now.
I don't know why but our school canceled the class. So, I have to reopen the class registration.
Because of cancel and reopen for the registration, we have 6 students registered for this semester.
With the small number of students and no TA, I decided to build an energy model for one campus building for this semester.
I like your idea of Campus Instructional Facility to build and test, I am wondering if it has more than 1 year of meter data.
Also, do you have access to LEED certification on this building? I like to see if the building meet with LEED or not.
What do you think? Any suggestion will be a great help.
Also, like last time, it would be great to schedule a visit to the building and show students the new systems installed in the building.
Many thanks
Hi Yun. I bekieve Morgan, Joe, and Kelly-Jo may be delinquent (as usual),
I acknowledge your plight. Yes, CIF has historical energy data (through our usual channels). Yes, the building is LeeD and I can assist. And yes to the walkthrough.
Mr. T
Mike, Dave, or Kent,
Would any of you be capable of assisting YK with his class this year? I believe they build a model for a 1 campus building each year. You can read more below and discuss with Morgan. If any of you can help, it would be with collecting the information to share with the class (check with Beth), participating in a building tour, and potentially providing some technical assistance with the building modeling questions.
Kelly Jo
Idea... Have him work directly with dbHMS. We have been getting to know Sachin (principal) and he has been eager to accommodate. They will have all the LEED design and energy calcs readily at hand. We can easily provide as much energy usage data as is available. It seems to me this would be an optimal solution if it is acceptable for the class instructor to work directly with the private sector.
David Green
Building Energy Modeling
Associated Project(s):Hi Yun, Tom, and Joe,
Here are the links for the original SWATeam recommendation, the iCAP Working Group assessment, the F&S response, and the link to the energy modeling page: The original recommendation is attached here, and the iWG assessment says, “We recommend that Facilities & Services assign a staff member from Capital Programs or Utilities and Energy Services (possibly from Design Review) to work with Dr. Yun Yi’s class to develop the related energy models, on a timeline that matches the academic course abilities.”
This is the link directly to the Energy Modeling project page on the iCAP Portal:
Hello All
I like to follow up with our last discussion.
To check any update on the list of possible buildings for energy modeling next semester.
Many thanks
Apologies. This slipped off my radar for a bit. I will get those to you as soon as I can.
Here are some with interesting designs:
1. 0409 – ECE – Chilled beam and dedicated outdoor air unit (DOAU). Energy recovery.
2. 1517 – Design Ctr. – Passive chilled beam, variable air-volume (VAV), DOAU. Energy recovery.
3. 1545 – Campus Instr. Fac. – Chilled radiant, hot radiant, and DOAU. Geothermal. Energy recovery.
Here are some smaller ones that may be easier to complete/complete more:
1. 0154 – Personnel Services Bldg. – Packaged chiller, steam perimeter heat, constant volume fan-coil units.
2. 1528 – African Am. Cultural Ctr. – VAV.
3. 1584 – RIPE Greenhouse – Packaged direct expansion (DX), geothermal.
I hi-lighted the one with a complete native energy model on-hand (I modeled the building and performed several lifecycle cost analysis). Several of those have PDF energy files that could be used as a back-check or instructional piece if desired.
Hi Tom,
Thanks for sharing a list with me. I am wondering if there is little more typical (education/office} buildings and with some meter data.
Could you be able to recommend a few of the buildings in this criteria?
Many thanks
Hi Yun,
Most all of our buildings have metering at some level (minimum utility level). Some of the buildings we discussed and I was thinking of are:
0339 – Temple Buell Hall – This one is big and has a complex initial design and re-commissioning history. Series-flow fan-powered VAV (original). Frankenstiened to VAV bu re-commissioning group.
0209 – Speech and Hearing – AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. VAV.
0075 – Children’s Research Ctr. - AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. Constant volume re-heat.
Hi Tom,
Many thanks for the additional list. Sorry for the confusion, I meant real-time meter or sub-meter buildings that students can look into more detail.
However, these buildings are good candidates for the class.
I am wondering if F&S can share a building list that has some kind of information on building age, energy consumption, and buildings that have some type of energy model simulation outcome or results.
Many thanks
Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone had a nice winter break. Sorry for the delay.
The class went well and I have EnergyPlus models and reports from the students that I can share with you.
I'd like to ask my TA to review the students' models to ensure they were done correctly before sending them to you.
I hope you can wait a few more weeks, but I can send you the reports if you'd like to see them.
Hi Tom,
Sorry for the delay. I thought that after getting tenured, I would have more time to work on the project, but I was wrong.
Anyway, thanks for waiting. I have all the calibrated and reviewed DesignBuilder files and reports in the following folder.
If you'd like, I can convert the DB file to an EPW file for your convenience.
lease let me know if you'd like to discuss the outcome of the report.I'm happy to talk about the next group of buildings that we can model.
review of progress and plans for FY23
Associated Project(s):Professor Yun Yi, Tom Keller, Kelly Jo Hoffmann, and Morgan White met to review the progress on the Energy Models for Campus Facilities project.
The Energy models were created for these facilities by an Architecture class:
- 0154 – Personnel Services Bldg. – Packaged chiller, steam perimeter heat, constant volume fan-coil units.
- 1528 – African Am. Cultural Ctr. – VAV.
- 0209 – Speech and Hearing – AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. VAV.
- 0075 – Children’s Research Ctr. - AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. Constant volume re-heat.
There were two model types created for each facility, and a pdf report. Dr. Yi has sent us the energy models, and he will send us the pdf reports. We can share those with the Energy iCAP Team, UES, and put them into the FIR records.
Dr. Yi will meet with Tom to review the energy model details and provide access to the energy modeling software for us to review the actual native files.
We will proceed with doing this again, so how do we identify the buildings to do? Criteria? We would prefer many smaller buildings over a few larger buildings. Energy modeling software is also not sophisticated enough for Here are some potential options:
- RIPE Greenhouse
- Transportation Building
- Architecture Building
- Lincoln Hall
- Fred Turner Student Services Building
- Harker Hall
- ACES Library
Yun will review this list, and talk with F&S again to finalize the building selection for this coming year. Then we need to provide drawings, via FIR. Yun will identify a TA for the class, and potentially the summer as well. Yun will find a TA to replace Fizza Hassan, since she graduated.
Energy Model for Children's Research Center
Associated Project(s):The following email chain describes Professor Yi requesting energy data and building layout.
Professor Yi also notes a student's report on the Children's Research Center Building (which is attached below).
From: Yi, Yun Kyu
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2022 10:34 AM
To: White, Morgan
Cc: Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe
Subject: Re: energy data request
Hi All,
Hope you had a nice break. I like to update you on building modeling.
We have four Energyplus (DesignBuilder) models that I can share with you.
I had to review the model made by students to make sure they are close to the actual building.
Currently, I am adding detailed HVAC systems to the model that can be more realistic.
Would you like to get access to the file? I can share the folder with you all. Also, would you like to discuss the next step?
Here is one of a report done by a student.
On Oct 19, 2021, at 9:06 PM, Yi, Yun Kyu wrote:
Hi Morgan,
Thanks to your help, today my class was able to site visit the new Campus Instructional Facility building and new Mech. building.
Here is a photo of today's visit. Students learned a lot today and I got great feedback today.
Also, I like to discuss some findings from initial energy modeling.
The BNAACC building is one of the buildings that we are analyzing the energy consumption data. While we compare meter data to energy consumption from simulation results. We observed that the electricity meter is projecting energy consumption exponentially higher than what an average building of such size should be consuming.
I am not sure this building is still in calibration on meter data or something but I will advise having the meter checked. If you need I can send you some of our findings or talk further on this.
On Aug 12, 2021, at 11:53 AM, Yi, Yun Kyu wrote:
Hi Morgan,
It will be good to get basic drawings like floor plans, elevations, and more specific drawings like HVAC schedule, zoning, section detail, etc.
Many thanks
From: White, Morgan
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 10:19 PM
To: Yi, Yun Kyu
Cc: Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe
Subject: RE: energy data request
Hi Yun,
I need to know what building documents you are seeking. What specifically do you want to see?
Associate Director of F&S for Sustainability
Facilities & Services | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
From: Yi, Yun Kyu
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 12:48 PM
To: White, Morgan
Cc: Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe
Subject: Re: energy data request
Hi Marge
I am wondering if we can get these buildings' documents before the semester starts.
I can ask TA to go over the documents and select documents that need for the class.
So that we can reduce the number of documents to get approval.
Also, I send an email related to meter data.
The Excel file doesn’t have units, could you help me what units were used for the meters.
Many thanks
On Jul 28, 2021, at 1:42 PM, White, Morgan wrote:
Hi Yun,
Please see attached files.
F&S Sustainability
iCAP Working Group co-chair
iSEE Liaison and SSC advisor
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Ewing, Anthony James"
Date: July 27, 2021 at 9:13:46 AM CDT
To: "White, Morgan"
Cc: "Spurlock, Anthony T"
Subject: RE: energy data request
Hi Morgan –
Attached is the data you’ve requested.
Utilities and Energy Services
Facilities and Services
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
From: Spurlock, Anthony T
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 3:48 PM
To: Ewing, Anthony James
Subject: FW: energy data request
Could you handle this data request? Thanks
Anthony Spurlock
Associate Director of Budget Resources Planning
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Facilities and Services - Utilities & Energy Services Division
From: Spurlock, Anthony T
Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 4:27 PM
To: White, Morgan
Cc: Yi, Yun Kyu; Roman, Robert Raymond; Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe; Anthony James Ewing
Subject: RE: energy data request
End of July should not be a problem.
Associate Director of UES, Budget Resources Planning
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Facilities and Services
Utilities & Energy Services Division (UES)
From: White, Morgan
Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 1:41 PM
To: Spurlock, Anthony T
Cc: Yi, Yun Kyu; Roman, Robert Raymond; Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe
Subject: energy data request
Hi Tony,
We need to provide historical energy data to Professor Yi for his work with us this fall to create building energy models for selected buildings on campus, in his Architecture class.
Can you please have someone on your team provide monthly energy data for the following buildings for the last five years, FY20 to FY16? Also, if hourly data is available, please provide hourly data for these same buildings for the one year of FY19.
· Personnel Services Building
· Speech and Hearing Building
· Children’s Research Center
· Bruce Nesbitt African American Cultural Center.
I have created a folder for the related files in Box, which you can access at We would appreciate receiving this information by the end of July, if possible.
Thank you,
Associate Director of F&S for Sustainability
Facilities & Services | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Attached Files:Request for Historical Energy Data
Associated Project(s):Morgan White is requesting historical energy data for Professor Yi in order to create building energy models for selected buildings on campus. Specifically monthly energy data is needed for the last five years, FY20 to FY16. Hourly data for these same buildings are needed for the one year of FY19. The buildings are:
- Personnel Services Building
- Speech and Hearing Building
- Children's Research Center
- Brute Nesbitt African American Cultural Center
Additionally, requests for basic drawings like floor plans, elevations, as well as more specific drawings like HVAC schedule, zoning section detail etc. were made.
The link where this data can be accessed is:
Professor Yun observed that the Brute Nesbitt African American Cultural Center's electricity meter is projecting energy consumptions exponentially higher than what an average building should be consuming (potentially due to the building being in calibration on meter data).
Energy Model Files
Associated Project(s):I looked at 6-buildings and we received two (2) native energy files. We did get four (4) PDF energy model files.
Thomas J. Keller, PE,
Mechanical Engineer
Engineering & Construction Services
Facilities and Servicesmet with F&S and teachers
Associated Project(s):Professor Yun Yi, TA Fiz Hassan, and F&S staff members Tom Keller, Joe Villanti and Morgan White met to review the options for building drawings for the potential Energy Model buildings. Fiz will meet with Morgan and Beth Leitz on 8/26 to learn more about the drawings available.
Buildings Selected for Fall 2021 class
Associated Project(s):Dr. Yun Yi, Morgan White, Tom Keller, and Joe Villanti met on Zoom to select the buildings for the Architecture fall 2021 class. The buildings selected are:
- 0154 – Personnel Services Bldg. – Packaged chiller, steam perimeter heat, constant volume fan-coil units.
- 1528 – African Am. Cultural Ctr. – VAV.
- 0209 – Speech and Hearing – AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. VAV.
- 0075 – Children’s Research Ctr. - AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. Constant volume re-heat.
Morgan will reach out to UES for energy data and check with UIPD for building documents request process.
Introductory meeting with Dr. Yun Yi and F&S contacts
Associated Project(s):Dr. Yi, Joe Villanti, Tom Keller, and Morgan White met on 5-25-2021 to kickoff this collaboration for developing Energy Models for campus facilities. The Agenda included:
- Introductions - Yun teaches a grad level Architecture class.
- Review of Energy005 recommendation and project goals: a) gain knowledge about campus building energy performance compared to projections, b) expose students to energy modeling using campus as a living lab, c) identify buildings that are wildly energy intensive and should be prioritized for energy conservation initiatives, d) consider potential improvements to Facilities Standards, e) create energy models for campus buildings and find areas to improve.
- Discussion of modeling options: a) most intensive would be to calibrate an energy model using an existing model and known energy use, b) creating a building energy projection for a new building based on design drawings, c) build a baseline energy model using ASHRAE 90.1
- Consideration of building options for this coming fall semester: well-known buildings like ECE, new buildings like BNAAC, older buildings. Tom could look at a few categories and make some suggested buildings to consider.
- Software options: a) Trane Trace is the F&S standard, but it is not specifically required, b) e-quest, c) others - based on consultants preferred format.
- Next steps: Tom and Joe send building list to recommend for first round. Yun will review them and request additional info for the buildings he is interested in working with this year. Morgan will introduce Damon McFall to this team, and Rizwan Uddin for the Masters in Energy Systems. Morgan will send the Siebel Center for Design video introduction.
- Potential additional support: Could F&S fund an RA for the fall semester? Yun will send Morgan and email with a request including costs. Also, Tom is happy to support the class as a guest lecturer, and support throughout the semester. Could SEDAC provide additional support? Could some MEP, Materials Engienering students, etc. get added to the process?
Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance - Successful
Associated Project(s):Morgan White, Associate Director for F&S for Sustainability, responded to Dr. Ximing Cai and the Energy iCAP Team on behalf of Dr. Attalla and F&S, with the following email:
Hello Ximing, iWG, and Energy iCAP Team,
Thank you for the recommendation to work with Dr. Yun Yi and his students to develop energy models for campus facilities. We are pleased to implement this recommendation, as submitted to us.
As contacts for Dr. Yi, we have identified Tom Keller and Joe Villanti from the Engineering Quality Assurance, Design Review, team at F&S. I will send a separate email to introduce them to Dr. Yi, and we will provide periodic updates, on the iCAP Portal at
Thank you,
(sent on behalf of Dr. Attalla and the F&S team)
See transmittal of Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance here.
See iWG assessment of Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance here.
See recommendation and submittal of Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance here.For future updates on this effort, visit Energy Models for Campus Facilities.
Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance - Transmitted
Associated Project(s):Following the completion of iWG assessment for Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Mohamed Attalla on April 15, 2021.
See iWG assessment of Energy005 attached.
See iCAP Team recommendation of Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance.Attached Files:Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance - Submitted
Associated Project(s):The Energy iCAP team made the following recommendation on 2/11/21. The Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance recommendation is attached.
The aim of this recommendation is to ensure compliance of current and recent projects with State of Illinois Energy Codes and Facilities Standards
- F&S will identify a contractor—which may be a student group or include a student group—capable of creating 25 models of building whole energy use in campus buildings. F&S will contract to provide electronic files so they can be run on a common platform such as Trane700, Energyplus, eQuest, DOE-2 or BLAST. Preference will be given to contractors who make maximum use of student effort.
- F&S will identify five buildings completed recently but prior to 2019 for which breakdown meter energy use data is available, and five campus buildings currently under construction. F&S may identify buildings for which the required requested model energy files are available, at a cost saving on the project.
- The contractor – in collaboration with a student group -- will complete for each of the ten buildings
- a model file of the building which follows the Energy Code prescriptive requirements (baseline energy model) in use at the time of construction in order to determine an Energy Cost Budget, (10 files)
- a model file of the building as constructed (10 files), and
- a determination of the level of compliance with Energy Codes and Facilities Standards in terms of design and construction.
- For the five already-completed buildings, the contractor will calibrate the as-constructed model to fit the measured energy consumption data, using historical weather data. The calibrated model (5 files) should replicate actual energy use for a minimum of one year within 5% on a monthly basis and within 20% on a daily basis.
- If energy modeling files are available in project files on a common platform listed above, and may be distributed, then this may be considered one of the deliverables, and the work need not be redone, at a cost saving for the project.
- The contractor will provide a final report that describes the level of compliance in the ten buildings with the State of Illinois Energy Code (in use at the time of design and construction, as applicable) and Facilities Standards. The energy model files will be made available publicly, and primarily to students and faculty in engineering and architecture for their study.
Attached Files:equipment installed
Associated Project(s):The geothermal heat pump is now installed at the Gable Home, at the Energy Farm. Professor Yun Yi will create an energy model, and Mark Taylor said, "I can work with one of my RA’s to draw up the system in a 3D model for use in presentations and papers."
The model is the “QE0930.”
Energy Models for SDC, MEB, Freer, ISRH
Associated Project(s):The Energy Models for the following building projects are attached:
- U16015 - Siebel Design Center [1517]
- U12262 – MEB [0112]
- U15043 – Freer [0064]
- U12054 - ISRH Dining [0275]