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Energy Models for Campus Facilities (In Progress)


As the iCAP 2020 says, "Using information gathered from capital projects, faculty members and researchers can collaborate with F&S to develop a reference database of calibrated energy models for campus buildings. This might be the product of student classroom projects. The campus could then use these models to prioritize building retrofits and determine the preferred level of improvements (i.e., envelope versus mechanicals) for each building." (Page 41).

There are energy models provided to Facilities & Services during the regular Capital Programs process, and there are students and researchers who work with energy models and create energy models.  In 2021, the Energy iCAP Team recommended that F&S and Professor Yun Yi in the School of Architecture work together to create additional energy models for campus buildings. Since then, Professor Yun Yi and students have worked on creating energy models of multiple campus buildings.

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Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Yun Yi

    Team Members:

    • Tom Keller
    • Morgan White
    • Beth Leitz

    Prior Contacts:

    • Joe Villanti


  • Proposed February 11, 2021
    Proposed by Energy iCAP Team
    Approved May 7, 2021
    Approved by Mohamed Attalla
