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Kill a Watt Monitors at Libraries (Completed)


There are three Kill A Watt monitors that the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) bought for the Student Weatherization Program.  After the SSC project was done, the Kill A Watt monitors were given to the University Library so that other students can use them. To check out a Kill A Watt device:

  1. Start at the library homepage
  2. Scroll down to Find Materials, then click U of I Collection
  3. Search for Kill a Watt
  4. The first result should be Kill a Watt EZ power meter, model 4460
  5. Under Get It, you may be prompted to sign in to your library account with your NetID and password if you're not already signed in. You will then see the option to Request Physical Item. You can put in your preferred pick-up location and hit send.
  6. You will receive an email from the library once your item is ready along with current procedures for picking up materials.

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Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Mckenzie Beverage
