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SDRP Lighting (Completed)


The Student Dining and Residential Programs Building (SDRP), constructed in 2010, was built to LEED silver certification, but continued improvements to the facility could enhance its green capabilities even further. The lighting system at SDRP has been identified as an area in which minor upgrades could be very beneficial to supporting the energy reduction goals of the iCAP.

The building was designed with seven lighting zones controlled by a computer, so that lights in certain areas of the building could be turned off and on according to the time of day and demand. These zones, however, are not divided according to actual use within the building. This causes the system to be much less helpful because all of the lights throughout the building remain on during operating hours.

The update would discard the old zones and create seventeen new zones. The new zones would be a better reflection of actual use of the building, and allow the computerized system to be much more effective.

Student Sustainability Committee funded Lighting Controls Study

Updates are planned to take place over the summer 2013 break, completed in time for the start of the fall 2013 semester.

No description has been provided yet.

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Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Bryan Johnson

    Project Leader:

    Dawn Aubrey


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