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City of Champaign Plans (Ongoing)


The City of Champaign incorporates sustainability principles in their Comprehensive Plan, and has a targeted sustainability plan called "Champaign Growing Greener."  The City of Champaign’s sustainability plan Champaign Growing Greener, identifies goals, strategies and priorities in seven major areas of Sustainability: Green Economy, Water, Built Environment, Energy, Transportation Behavior, Solid Waste and Food and Urban Agriculture. The sustainability plan is an adopted element of 2011 Champaign Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan.  Sustainability Plan


The Comprehensive Plan is the land use and development policy document that establishes a vision for how Champaign should grow and develop over the next 20 years. It is a guide for all residents, property owners, developers, and decision makers as to the anticipated use of property in the future and the key trends, challenges and opportunities impacting life in Champaign. The Comprehensive Plan provides the underpinning for development regulations including the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, Manual of Practice and more. It is also the tool that ensures Council Goals regarding economic opportunity, infrastructure investment, incremental development and neighborhood planning are memorialized and translated into actions. One of the policies contained in the plan calls for regular updates to ensure the continued relevancy of the Comprehensive Plan.

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