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ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program - Transmitted

Posted by Meredith Moore on February 8, 2022

Following the completion of iWG assessment for ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Jeff Moore, Director of the Beckman Institute. 


Hello Dr. Moore,

The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently reviewed recommendation ZW004 from the Zero Waste iCAP Team (formerly known as a SWATeam) to implement the use of reusable dining containers. The iWG discussed this and recommends that Beckman Institute implement the option for reusable containers, as was done at Bevier Hall and University Dining.  Please see the details included in the attached iWG assessment and Zero-Waste iCAP Team recommendation.  

There are several advocates for reusable containers on campus, and a group of them met with the Zero Waste iCAP Team last July.  The notes are available online at and may provide you with some initial insight into this recommendation.  University Housing’s Dining Services is an excellent resource to assist, and the iWG and Zero Waste iCAP Teams are available, as well. 

The Formal iCAP Procedures includes a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request your initial response to this recommendation by February 4, if possible.  If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, we are happy to arrange a zoom call. 




See iWG assessment of ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program attached.

See iCAP Team Recommendation ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program here. 

Attached Files