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In Progress

Greenways and Trails

The Greenways & Trails maps show off-street trails, on-street bikeways, parks, open spaces, and places of interest in Champaign, Urbana, Savoy, Mahomet, Rantoul, St. Joseph, and Champaign County. Detailed maps of the county’s seven forest preserves are also included, courtesy of the Champaign County Forest Preserve District.


Project 4 Less strives to fight food insecurity within our local community. Student dining halls can create incredible amounts of food waste which is normally just thrown away, thereby wasting energy, time, manpower, resources, and money. Simultaneously, Urbana-Champaign has the largest percentage of food insecure households in the entire state of Illinois—people who don’t always know where they’ll find their next meal.

Sustainable Land Management Committee

The ISEE-ACES-F&S Sustainable Land Management Committee is designed to evaluate and incorporate sustainable land management practices at the University of Illinois South Farms on non-research land and beyond the campus boundaries on some of the University-owned land. This follows the recommendation made by the Agriculture, Land Use, Food, and Sequestration Sustainability Working Advisory Team and Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group.

Clean Meat at Illinois

Food insecurity is a major public health issue in the United States, affecting over 1 million Illinoisans in 2018 and over 13 million Americans in 2019 (Feeding America, 2019; USDA, 2019). Furthermore, nearly 20% of greenhouse emissions come from livestock and around 70% of all land used for agricultural production is used for breeding and maintaining livestock (UN Report, 2006; FAO Report, 2012).

Benefits of a Large-Scale Prairie Experiment

Near campus exists an under-utilized living laboratory that could contribute significantly to student education and improve campus sustainability initiatives like iCAP. This 13-acre prairie experiment was established in 2018 with funding from a USDA grant. Across 96 plots, the project was designed to examine interactions between soil, microbes, prairie plants, agrochemicals, and bees with the goal of identifying best prairie restoration practices for habitat adjacent to crops.

Let It Flow

Rain is a blessing and a curse on our research farms.  We cannot grow a crop with out it but when it comes in excessive quantities has a destructive result on University farms.  Our farms are intertwined too so as water flows downhill it passes from one department farm to the next.  This project looks to redesign the Energy Farm waterway and install a waterway on the Animal Sciences farm to the west so that water flow can be channeled to the Embarrass River in a more direct and environmentally sound path.

Energy Farm LED

In 2010, grant funding from the Energy Biosciences Institute established buildings that support the research, education, and operations of the Energy Farm.  This facility is utilized by students and researchers in biofuel and sustainability research.  HID lighting in the main high bay work area has been measured to be well below minimum standards for a safe and efficient work space. 

This project will upgrade fixtures from HID to LED and also install occupancy sensors in workspaces that are observed to remain lit well after activities have concluded by the occupants. 


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