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In Progress

Energy Models for Campus Facilities

As the iCAP 2020 says, "Using information gathered from capital projects, faculty members and researchers can collaborate with F&S to develop a reference database of calibrated energy models for campus buildings. This might be the product of student classroom projects. The campus could then use these models to prioritize building retrofits and determine the preferred level of improvements (i.e., envelope versus mechanicals) for each building." (Page 41).

Reusable Containers

The Zero Waste iCAP Team is actively pursuing the use of reusable service options for campus facilities which serve food at any capacity. In a study conducted by the Good2Go team, most UIUC students are generally uninterested in the sustainability benefits of reusable containers but are rather enticed by the convenience factor.

TED Talk: Eco Edition Series

iSEE is excited to host a TED Talk: Eco-Edition series. Together, participants will view a TED Talk, followed by a guided discussion and roundtable. Everyone is welcome to attend. Learn, discuss, and connect with peers in a casual, social setting. Grab your favorite snack and get comfortable! Topic and hosts will vary each month.

Plantings at Dorner Drive Retention Pond

In connection with the Resilient Landscape Strategy and the Illinois Climate Action Plan, this project is aimed at enhancing one of the few water features on campus—the Dorner Drive Retention Pond.  This rainwater collection site is also a destination for several students who like to picnic on the side of the pond, and it is immediately adjacent to the Red Oak Rain Garden (RORG). This project is to renew the Dorner Drive pond and incorporate native plants throughout the surrounding area, to enhance the sustainability and increase wildlife habitat.

Support Youth Sustainability

The iCAP 2020 objective 7.5 is to "Support programs to develop love of nature and sustainability among children, with an annual Youth Sustainability Summit led by local teenagers with guidance and mentoring from campus and community sustainability leaders." The responsible campus unit for championing this objective is UI Extension.

Meadow at Orchard Downs

The goal of this project is to successfully restore the low-mow site at Orchard Downs Housing Facility to a meadow garden that has more function and biodiversity. This project will incorporate at least 25 native plant species, create habitat for wildlife and pollinators, and increase biodiversity overall. Other goals of this project are to give students hands-on experience and restoration skills. Additionally, it will be important to educate students and the community about Native American Culture through the land acknowledgement.

Building Envelope Pilot Project

Based upon building energy modeling and actual results from residential projects we believe a 20-30% reduction in energy usage is achievable when the building envelope is properly installed and verified. We have many buildings on campus where the envelope should be inspected, tested, and appropriately improved to address the energy lost through improper installation and or maintenance.


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