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Project Updates for collection: 2010 iCAP Projects


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  1. SSC and SECS letter writing campaign

    In January 2009, the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) and Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS) wrote letters to the university administration (trustees, Chancellor and Provost’s offices, deans and assistant deans, department heads, faculty and senate faculty) asking for support for the campus wind farm project.

  2. Second Team added

    Associated Project(s): 

    The first Retro-Commissioning (RCx) team was created in August of 2007. Due to their significant success in saving energy, a second team was started in January of 2009. 

  3. Complaint letter from SSC and SECS

    Following the cancellation of the wind turbine project on South farms, the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) and Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS) wrote a complaint letter to the Chancellor Richard Herman. SSC and SECS expressed their disappointment about the decision as well as the timing of the decision. They were also upset because the university didn't discuss or consult with the student stakeholders in this decision.

  4. Student protest

    Following cancellation of the wind project, the students were angry about autocratic and secretive behaviour of the university administration regarding cancellation. They were disheartened and upset with the timing of the decision because the decision came during the finals week when the students were pre-occupied and under stress with exams. Students felt that university's choice of cancelling the project during the finals week was to avoid any response or protest from the students.

    However, following the finals week, students protested the decision of cancelling the wind turbine project.

  5. Student support

    In February 2008, the students leaders in the environment movement wrote letters to the Provost Linda Katehi, Chancellor Robert Herman, and Facilities and Services Administration, Dr. John Dempsey. These letters were signed by the student leaders and expressed their excitement and support to the project.

    Attached Files: 
  6. Estimates from GE proposal

    The project proposal was received from GE Wind Energy on September 10th 2007, and opened on September 16th 2007. According to the proposal, the estimate for construction is a range of $11.4 million to $12.6 million and for the total project budget would be $12.1 million to $13.4 million.

    Also, GE Wind Energy proposal stated an October 1, 2007 expiration date! This estimate infers that the university's current budget ($5.7 million) is enough to build only one turbine.

  7. Proposal from GE

    GE Wind Energy were the only ones who would quote the University of Illinois. (Vistas said they were not taking orders for anything less than 30 MW, however, the UI project was for only 4.5 MW)

    GE could not meet the August 16th deadline and therefore, the university extended the deadline to September 20th. The university received GE's proposal on September 10th. However, GE quoted the turbines to be delivered by late 2009 or early 2010.

