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Projects Updates for key objective: 17. Steam System Maintinence

  1. ME 470 Enerdrape Project Presentation

    Attached is information about the senior design project presentations scheduled for next Tuesday.


    The project that we have been helping with is scheduled to present at 8:30 on Tuesday in 4100 LuMEB, Abbott Enerdrape System.


    Mike Larson

  2. RE: Enerdrape design and installation


    Hi Mark,


    I am going to assign an SSC project to you as the PM to take it through design and construction.  The construction can be done through Contractor Services, so this would normally go to a Planner.  However, it will be in an existing Steam Tunnel, so it is very much a UES project, and will need to have coordination with Frank C. and Mike L.  Some older emails about this project are attached here, and I’ll get it set up in FCPweb today.





    Hi Morgan.  I have a few questions.  So The Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (Aman Mehta) requested funds from SSC for these panels?  And the only reason Utilities is involved is because these will be their steam tunnels?  I’m not familiar with SSC projects.


    Also, I’m not optimistic about hiring a PSC for $10,000 (the amount listed in their info)..  Especially if the participation goals are to be met.  I assume this will be a RWO or do you know if Enerdrape provides those services for their panels?

    Will our office’s role be similar to some of the smaller natural gas projects I’ve done?  Will there PM Fees?  C&I Fees?



  3. Advantages of hot water versus steam within buildings

    Below is an email exchange between Jim Sims and Tom Keller:

    Mike or Tom,


    The EMT is discussing the advantages of converting building heating systems from steam to hot water with steam distribution. Would one of you be able to clarify this benefit?








    Hot water is more efficient than steam because it is easier to control. This also adds comfort to the occupants. Steam can be easier to leak and it is hotter, so there are some small safety concerns. Steam tends to be a bit noisier than hot water. Hot water can be easier to maintain than steam.


    There are quite a few other reasons. This is why hot water heating systems have become the industry standard.









    I asked Tom Keller and Mike Halm to provide some feedback regarding the advantages of hot water versus steam within buildings. Please see Tom Keller’s response below for our information. Please let me know if we would like for Tom would like to further explain “quite a few other reasons” or his primary benefits listed below.





  4. Revolving Loan Fund projects approved

    The Revolving Loan Fund selection committee has approved funding for all the viable RLF projects.  See attached image for list.