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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Solar Decathlon 2009 Funding Agreement

    This proposal seeks to provide funding for student education centered around the University of Illinois’s participation in the 2011 US Department of Energy Solar Decathlon Competition. Each student team participating in this prestigious, international competition is required to build an entirely solar-powered 800 sq. foot house with innovative design features. This grant will provide funds for the development of new courses and enhancement of existing courses, provisioning of course materials and software, and the sponsorship of guest lecturers and consultants ($25,000), the employment of graduate students in coordinating roles for education and volunteer engagement activities ($15,000), and student travel associated with the competition ($10,000). The last UI entry in the Solar Decathlon competition engaged hundreds of students and was the highest-placed US finisher in the Competition; furthermore this participation will require the team to raise $700,000 at a time of severe campus budget constraints. Thus, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding this proposal in the amount of $50,000.

  2. Shut the Sash Model Program Funding Agreement

    Lowering the sashes on laboratory chemical fume hoods (CFHs) can result in significant energy cost savings by reducing the volume of room air that has to be heated or cooled. This project will evaluate the resources, components, and best practices required to develop a model shut the sash program and implement it campus-wide for variable air volume (VAV) CFHs. If successful, the project could generate over $250,200 in annual cost savings. Thus, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding the full requested amount of $4,400.

  3. Occupancy Sensors (Automatic Lighting Controls) Funding Agreement

    The goal of this project is to install lighting sensors in classrooms in several University instructional buildings (e.g. the Armory, the Foreign Language Building and Loomis). The sensors will switch off the lights in these areas, after 30 minutes of inactivity, which will reduce lighting consumption by ~30%. Additionally, having these retrofits take place at the same time as additional lighting upgrades will reduce overall installation costs. Given the reduction in lighting and electricity usage, the high visibility to students of the target areas and student interest in this technology, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding the full requested amount of $50,000.

  4. MechSE Sustainability Senior Design Funding Agreement

    Students in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering have been working on projects to improve the sustainability of our campus. The Department has requested support to carry out to projects (designing a sump pump water collection and use system, and assisting with the retro-commissioning of Siebel Center), which will are high-impact projects and will involve students. Thus, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding them to the amount of $6,000 ($4,000 for the water project, and $2,000 for the retro-commissioning project – with the expectation that Computer Science will underwrite the remainder).

  5. Everitt Electrical Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,059 lighting fixtures in the Everitt Electrical Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF 2008 Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 336,327 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Everitt Electrical Building is 2.25 years.

  6. Agriculture Engineering Sciences Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,236 lighting fixtures in the Agriculture Engineering Sciences Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 193,605 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Agriculture Engineering Sciences Building is 2.36 years.

  7. Henry Administration Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of2,135 lighting fixtures in the Henry Administration Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 358,223 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Henry Administration Building is 1.75 years.

  8. Armory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,046 lighting fixtures in the Armory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 312,561 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Armory is 2.56 years. Occupancy sensors were also installed in this facility for further energy savings.

  9. Mumford Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,508 lighting fixtures in Mumford Hall were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 240,593 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in Mumford Hall is 1.96 years.

  10. Plant Sciences Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,009 lighting fixtures in the Plant Science Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 159,182 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Plant Sciences Laboratory is 3.25 years.

  11. Madigan Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,587 lighting fixtures in Madigan Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 401,383 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in Madigan Laboratory is 2.35 years.

  12. Loomis Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,001 lighting fixtures in Loomis Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 316,267 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in Loomis Laboratory is 2.61 years.

  13. Materials Research Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,253 lighting fixtures in the Materials Research Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 360,623 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Materials Research Laboratory is 1.63 years.

  14. Materials Science Engineering Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 893 lighting fixtures in the Materials Science Engineering Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF 2008 Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 154,715 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in MSEB is 3.99 years.

  15. Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,395 lighting fixtures in the Mechanical Engineering Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 245,845 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Mechanical Engineering Building is 1.77 years.

  16. Talbot Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,814 lighting fixtures in Talbot Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 330,664 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in Talbot Laboratory is 1.53 years.

  17. Engineering Sciences Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 701 lighting fixtures in the National Soybean Research Center were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 110,376 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Engineering Sciences Building is 3.04 years.

  18. Altgeld Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 740 lighting fixtures in Altgeld Hall were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 123,985 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in Altgeld Hall is zero years, since the Classroom Renovation Project funded this work. Occupancy sensors were also installed in the lighting retrofit of this building in order to provide further energy savings.

  19. Law Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,539 lighting fixtures in the Law Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 421,882 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Law Building is 3.07 years.
